The two worlds (B1, S7)

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It's been two days since the last council meeting and Grace is already awake in her shared room with Nero. She's writing a letter on the desk. She ends the note with, "I can't wait to see you again."  Nero shakes his bones and comes to a seated position in the bed, "Good morning." Grace responds, "I didn't want to disturb you since you got back late last night." Nero grins, "You  can never be a bother to me." Grace's cheeks turn rosy, "I would stay and ask how the trip was to the barracks, but I have to send letters to Josephine. I'm trying to convince her to move to the capital when the winter is over. That way we can work together."  Grace kisses Nero on the cheek and then walks out the room.

Athena is outside the room holding a bowl in one hand and a satchel of water in the other.  Athena notices Grace walk out the room and grabs her attention, "I don't mean to intrude, but I couldn't help but overhear the conversation you had with the Lord." Nervously Grace asks, "What do you mean?" Athena responds, "Didn't I go with you to the communications tower yesterday when you sent a letter to Josephine?" Grace's eyes change to sharp daggers as she looks at Athena, "You're not wrong, but just don't tell Nero. I don't need him worrying that I worry too much about his brother." Athena says, "I don't mind. Just  remember that I don't wish to be in the kitchens forever." Grace nods her head then pats Athena on the arm and finally walks away.

Athena knocks on the door and hears a voice say come in. Athena walks in without realizing that there is someone behind the door and that there is more than just Nero in the room. "Lord, I brought you some breakfast because I wasn't sure whethe- ." She immediately drops the bowl and the leather satchel for water. She exclaims, "Who are you?" Nero chimes in, "I was just about to ask the same thing.  How did you two get in my room." The skinny boy, with brown hair says, "My name is Jebediah." As the door behind Athena closes he continues, "The taller black haired boy is my younger brother Toliver." Nero asks,  "What do you want?" Jebediah speaks, "We were in the army, but we quit." Athena says, "Our first deserters and they came to the capital.  I'm not in charge Lord, but shall I go get the guards?"Jebediah says, "No need for that. For all of our lives, my brother and I were good at fitting in. The reason we were allowed in here is because we blend in well everywhere we go. We don't stand out." Nero asks,  "So why are you in my personal chambers?" Toliver says, "Because this is the only way you'll notice us. Plus, saying our idea in front of the council would give people dangerous ideas. Don't know yo can trust, yet." Nero asks, "And what are you proposing? I'm listening not because you could end my life here but because this peaks my interests." 

Jebediah  speaks, "You have an army in place, a government structure, and command of your subjects and people. But you don't have a reliable system of finding out information from other countries. You have doves from other nations, but those letters only contain information that they feel like giving out. What if I could offer you a system and program that runs completely independent of all military and politics and was independent. Our only alliance would be to Jurasia and the ruler so that he or she could make the best outcome to protect the people." Nero says, "But how can I know that you won't betray me and the people of Jurasia?" Toliver says, "We can offer you our lives and we will swear it on anything. Lord Nero, my brother and I want to serve our land and we found the best way possible. With your permission we would want to make an independent force that reports on what is happening in the nations we know so little about." Nero says, "So spies?" Jebediah says, "More than that. When battle comes we will risk our lives to scout out the enemy armies without risking anyone under the branch of the military. The Covert Forces, the name we chose for the organization, will comprise of less than 90 members in total. All the members  would report to someone in charge, myself. Who would then summarize all reports and send them to you three times a week if not daily. When you call for us, we will be there. When we're not needed you won't even know we're next to you." Nero says.  "Assume I was interested, how would I allow a test run and how do I explain adding your organization to the government payroll? Toliver says, "Anything and everything relating to politics is your world and we won't try to dabble. In case you're interested-" ,Toliver pulls out a stack of letters from his back and gives them to Nero, "this is just some of the work we have done since the vanishing." Jebediah adds, "And that's with only 14 members. You're probably wondering what this is. I'll explain. These are the latest reports from various regions of Jurasia and other nations. I'll give you some time to look through them."

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