A United Front (Book 1, S16)

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It is Thursday, the 19th of May, 3201 NGE (new god era). 

Nero and Hera are standing in a hallway in the Great Hall in Julius, the capital of Caesar. In the hallway there are massive doors that have four guards in front of them. There are other delegates from other nations waiting in the area. A man in purple robes comes from a side door. He speaks to the crowd in the hallway, "My name is Icadio and I am the assistant to head Aristocrat Henry who owns this property. My master has told me to remind you to address him by Representative or Senator Henry so that you won't be confused. The servants have finished preparing the room, so please follow me and we may begin the meeting."

The doors are swing open and the delegates follow Icadio into the room. The procession looks like ants marching towards unattended food. The delegates enter the room with a very large circular table that seats 20.Three of those seats are already taken by men in purple robes, they are the Caesarean delegation. Icadio speaks, "Please sit in your designated spots picked out by Aristocrat Henry." The delegates circle the table looking for their spots and then promptly sit down after finding their designated seats. All but one of the seats are filled. Icadio notices this and asks, "Jericho why is there an empty seat?" Kwame is the representative from Jericho. He is tall, dark skinned, with a bald head and a scar on his left arm that extends from his shoulder to his wrist. Kwame stands and speaks, "King Harold did not wish to attend this meeting for there are more pressing matters in Jericho. Therefore, I will act alone on the behalf of my people." Icadio responds, "Very well. Master, I have assembled them all and will leave at once." Icadio bows his head then leaves the room. As he leaves, two guards close the giant doors behind him.

Aristocrat Henry is in the middle of the 3 delegates representing Caesar. He stands and motions for the servants to come. The servatns come forward with vases of wine. They pour the wine into the golden chalices in front of all the seats as Aristocrat Henry speaks. "Friends I hope all is well. We are now facing new challenges, challenges that our parents never dreamed of. At this time we should come together and not be bonded out of fear but for the wanting of a prosperous future and region. We in the River Sea Region are but a fraction of the world, but we possess power that we have not tapped forth." Henry raises his cup and looks into the eyes of his own party, the following two members raise their glasses. All the other delegates raise their glasses as Aristocrat Henry toasts, "Together we stand, divided we fall. To the future." Henry toasts his chalice and drinks. The entire room follows suit and begins drinking the wine from the golden chalices. Henry places the chalice down and speaks one last time, "Will the representative from Jurasia please address the delegates since this alliance proposal was their idea."

Henry sits down while Nero stands. Nero speaks, "I am Lord Nero and I am the ruler of Jurasia. We proposed this alliance so that nations of the RSR would become not only a shield, but a spear as well." Aristocrat Henry stands and says, "Forgive me Lord Nero what if we do not wish to be a spear." Nero looks directly at the man who stands in front of his plans and says, "Senator Henry, the only way to gain respect is by having a spear that is capable of striking the enemy." Someone from Jordan speaks, "I am representative Crixus of Jordan and I must ask Lord Nero,  what if we have enemies and do not wish to attack?" Nero says, "Greed is our enemy. Soon enough nations will want what we have." A delegate from Constantine speaks, "I am delegate Yeray from Constantine, do you know something we do not know?" Hera stands and speaks, "Mari warriors will begin raiding the RSR by Mid-September." The room goes silent.

The silence is ended by Kwame chuckling. The bald headed general has his robe draped over his body while his feet are on the table. Nero still standing looks at Kwame, "General Kwame, is something funny?" Kwame responds, "The only reason you want an alliance is for your protection. Nevertheless, the Mari are like pests. Once they arrive they will spread and soon terrorize everything." Hera speaks, "So it may be in your best interest to listen to Lord Nero. What's a general to a Lord?" Kwame spits on the floor and moves his feet to the floor to stand, "How dare you talk to me like that you wench. You are nothing more than your Lord's errand boy. I am Kwame, the general of the greatest army in the RSR, Jericho. We will listen to your proposal, but an alliance is more than the giving of soldiers, what benefits us nations as allying ourselves with one another." Aristocrat Henry speaks, "Lord Nero do you have anything of that nature prepared. The people would love to share our wealth and prosperity with other nations but we feel that the weight would be unequally pulled by some other nations in our River Sea Region. How could we in good conscience share skilled craftsman to better your cities when nations like Jordan have nothing to offer." The hall goes in to disarray as delegates all stand and begin arguing. Hera takes a seat and begins sipping from the golden chalices.

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