Denial Comes in threes (B1, S18)

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The scene is now Jurasia. The day is Friday May 25th. Nero is alone in the room. It is evening time. The moon is just beginning to shine. There is a knock on the door. Nero walks to the door and opens it. He sees no one. He turns around and he sees the two brothers, Jebediah and Toliver in black cloaks. 

Nero says, "Is this so important that I cannot read in one your letters or at least wait til the morning. I was busy trying to write laws and ordinances." 

Jebediah says, "This is vital news and we don't have much time to deliver it." 

 "Is this regarding Mari?" 

Toliver adds, "No, but would you care for an update?" 

Nero says, "Since you are stopping me from sleeping please tell me news regarding Mari and any other relevant information." 

Toliver says, "In the attack in the Eridu city of Korowai the Mari sustained heavy casualties and were defeated." 

Nero with eureka in his voice says, "So it's possible to beat Mari!!! Everyone called me naïve." 

Toliver continues, "You are my Lord. Lord Nero, the only reason the Eridu won was because their terrain was so unique. If the Eridu had sent soldiers down from the trees they would surely have been killed." 

Nero says, "So Mari have suffered a setback. Now what is this urgent news." 

Jebediah says, "The news regards your betrothed Grace and your brother Cain." Nero's face changes as he as Jebediah continues. "Grace is practicing infidelity with your brother."  

Nero with disbelief says, "You are mistaken. Surely, she would never. He would never." 

Toliver says, "When are we wrong?" 

Nero says, "Who ever gave you the information should be fired for lying. No, I want them hung. This has to be treason." 

Jebediah says, "So you wish to fire me and hang me like a dissenter?" 

Nero walking in circles and rubbing his uncreased forehead, "She cheated sure, but not with Cain, he would never." 

Jebediah says, "On the first night you left, Cain and Grace shared a bed." 

Nero demands, "Where?" Toliver does not say anything but instead looks at the bed intensely. Nero now outraged says, "And you tell me now!" Nero rushes to his bed and throws the mattress to the floor.

Jebediah says, "That's only because they continued to see each other. While you were away she would sneak to sleep to his room and only go to your room to keep up appearances. Since your arrival they have been meeting every other day in an old inn on the outskirts of town. That's where she is right now. She is with your brother." 

Toliver says, "My Lord. The inn is called Isis' Inn. It's in the western outskirts if you wish to catch them." 

Jebediah retorts, "On a related note I would like to say one thing. It's not my business. But I know that your head cook, Athena, would like to be a judge. I feel that if you allow her to help you she will not regret it." 

Nero says, "If that's all, you may leave."  The brothers twirl their cloaks and depart through the window like a gust of wind. With disgust in his heart, "You will not give me advice on how to run my home. You best remember that shadows have no place in the light." Nero turned to face his visitors, who were nowhere to be seen.

Moments later Grace walks in the plain room she has reluctantly made her home. Nero is in the bed staring off at nothing. Nero turns to his betrothed and says, "You know you can come to me about anything." 

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