The trees have eyes (Book 1, S17)

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Damascus opens the letter as he pushes aside his bowl of mush. He begins reading the letter from Blitzer. As he reads his faces immediately drops. 

"Dear Damascus, I wish I had better news to report. As you know the forces were split into three. With Gregor commanding 3,200 troops and you commanding 3,000 troops. While I was given the rest of 4,100 men. The Eridu people and soldiers are much harder to fight than we anticipated. We have taken two cities but I have lost almost 1,000 men from injury and death. I can not continue to lose men at this pace. I am writing this letter to ask for an additional 400 men to take from the reserve of warriors in the mainland who are defending the border and enforcing order in our absence. By the time you get this it should either be Thursday or Friday. We intend to attack the next city of Korowai on Monday. I hope you can send men to the cities we have already taken, Ghana and Moor. 

"The Eridu people are expert marksmen. Every city is surrounded by the forest or runs through one. They are truly incredible people. Our scouts tell us Korowai is a floating city in the trees. It sounds weird but many villages and towns are completely elevated or are incorporated into the design. We are facing a foe we know nothing about. The city is elevated and the people don't eat meat. The only animals around are birds. They have no livestock or animals. The scouts tell me they have stables but no other animals other than horses. We will burn the stables and take the horses. They know we are coming so they will abandon any effort to attack us on the floor. 

"Our plan is to burn the stables and then force our way up the city. They have many platforms that raise them up and there are stairs and paths carved into the trees. It will be a bloody battle but once we have a platoon elevated, we will terrorize the city. The city will be taken and I will stop the raids further into Eridu. The goal is to get a foothold in Eridu and over the next 3 years take it for Mari. Wish you well and I intend to make Grotto happy." 

Damascus throws his bowl of mush at the wall and screams, "It's a trap!!! You fool. Blitzer, it's a trap. Please don't. Segan." 

A warrior in full gear comes into the room and says, "Yes Chief General Sir." 

Damascus says, "Take 200 of your men and ride to Mari and gather 300 more along the way from Mari. Then find Chief Blitzer and tell him to not attack anymore. Tell him that the remaining troops should be used to fortify and defend the captured cities of Eridu." 

Segan says, "When should I leave?" 

Damascus belts, "Now! Take your best men and the fastest horses. Now go." Segan turns around swiftly leaves the room.

The scenery has now changed into a thick forest area where trees are plentiful. Most trees touch the sky. It is Monday afternoon in Eridu, the city of Korowai.

Blitzer is in on a horse. He is is besides another man in full armor also on horseback. He speaks to Blitzer, "Would it not be best to wait for Damascus's message then attack?" The horses begin walking forward. Behind them are many warriors dressed in battle armor and war paint. Some are simply the bannerman. Their spears replaced with the Mari flag, a sight of red and white. Weapons they do not possess, but still they walk in front, a honor like no other, for their hearts still as valiant and fearless. 

The flag of Mari is red and white striped with a bright yellow circle in the middle. Blitzer asks his fellow leader on horseback, "Do you know what the flag represents or are you unaware of your history?" 

The man in warrior garb grunts, "I remember. I know what is stands for." 

Blitzer says, "I don't believe you. Let me tell you to make sure. The red stipes represent the blood we shed to become warriors and please the god Grotto. The white represents purity and cleansing. When we take new lands, we do not take it for the sake of taking it. We take the land and help move it further in the future. Only does death bring about a purer future. The yellow spot represents the sun and the god Mithrasol. Mithrasol is god among all gods and things. So we conquer, raid, and cleanse the world. All of it. Any place that sees the sun, we claim jurisdiction to take and make our own. We have many years before that happens." Damascus smiles and nudges his horse forward. 

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