A proper introduction (NAC)

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Ok people, let's do this one last time. My name in (Y/n) Parker, I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for 3 years, I've been the one and only Spiderwoman. I'm pretty sure you know the rest, I lived in NYC my entire life and became Spiderwoman. I saved a bunch of people, saved the city, again, and again, but. I couldn't save my brother Peter. Despite being thrown through walls, having my arm and leg broken, and being shot at everyday. I still love being Spiderwoman, and no matter how many hits I take, I still get right back up. The only thing between the destruction of Paris and NY is me. 2 weeks ago I was sucked through a portal, and now I'm in the Miraculous fandom, and my dad's alive, and if you're still wondering what's happening, well me too.

(Y/n) Parker

Age: 15

Nationality: American

Height: 5'4

Build: lean and medium (you're beefy is what I'm sayin', ya know?)

Hair: On the shorter side, with a slight curl and brown (imagine Peter, 'cause he's your cousin. 'Aunt' May is your Mom)

YOURE PANSEXUAL WHOOA (Pansexual means, gender doesn't stop your attraction to another person, they can be non binary, transgender, etc. Got it! I don't want no homophobic, transphobic, bi-phobic, xenophobic, losers reading my mediocre story 'Kay? Okay.)

The reason why (Y/n)'s hair is short is because of what her brother said, and it's easier to put her mask on and off.

She's narcissistic and done with the world, but if you manage to become her friend. She'll act as your older sister.

You're the adoptive daughter of Tony. S and Piper. P.

Your younger sibling is Morgan. S

Your Older brother is Peter. P (deceased)

Usually wears grunge type clothing, paired with converse.

(I tried including a photo I drew, but it wouldn't load 😫🤷‍♂️)

(Ps I'm trying to infuse your character with all the spider men, Tobey, Andrew, Tom all of em) 

(Ps I'm trying to infuse your character with all the spider men, Tobey, Andrew, Tom all of em) 

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(ew god, thats awful. this is me a few months later.)

(ew Kami... it got worse?!)

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