Chapter 20: Such Is The Life Of A Hero

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"Still no sign of movement. How long do you think it'll take for something to happen, exactly?" NightHawk sighed, leaning back in the car as he and Carla watched over the front of a dark house in a quiet residential neighborhood. He'd gotten word through some of his connections that a drug dealer lived on this street and was attracting trouble, so he and Carla were here waiting to catch the guy and some of his buyers who were supposed to show up. NightHawk did not doubt that it would be a pretty easy bust- the guy and his buyers didn't even have any powers, as far as he knew- and as such had allowed Carla to tag along. She'd been bugging him non-stop about coming with on his patrols, but those could get dangerous and he didn't want Carla in the middle of it. She was tough, very tough, but he still didn't want her getting caught up in a fight. This, however, seemed laid back enough for her to join, and he couldn't deny that he appreciated the company.

"They're supposed to show up around 1:00, so it will still be a while." Carla groaned, digging into one of the snack bags and munching loudly. NightHawk looked, sweeping the street and keeping an eye out for any strange activity. The drug dealer and his friends may not be here yet, but plenty of other crooks could be slinking around. He saw an elderly woman grabbing her mail, a teenager walking their dog–

"So... You and Edward, huh?" He turned to her.

"Uh, what about us?" She smiled devilishly.

"Nothing, nothing..." He squinted at her, slowly turning back to the street. There was a beat of silence.

"Promise me you'll use protection." He spluttered, neck nearly snapping in half as he flipped around, face flushing a deep shade of pink.

"Hu– What?! Why would– We–!"

"Hey! I'm just sayin' that I want you to do it safely."

"Do what?! There is no doing!"

"Not yet..."

"Not– Good Gods, Carla. Are you... Are you for real right now? You know I'm a grown man, right? I don't need this... this... low budget sex-ed class you're doing. In a car, might I add, during a stakeout." Carla shrugged.

"Well, we're just sitting here. I figured now would be as good a time as any, but if you'd rather do this later–"

"No! I don't want to do it period! I... I don't even know what we're doing!"

"We are addressing the fact that you have gone way beyond just having googly-eyes for Ed. You're even past 'head-over-heels', Mike. I have known you for years, even before Lindsey, and I know that look in your eyes." NightHawk gulped, heart flipping and twisting in his chest. Man, was he that obvious? Had Edward noticed? He sighed, slumping in the driver's seat.

"So?" He asked slowly.

"So what are you going to do about it?" She asked, sipping her soda. Do about it?

"What exactly am I supposed to do about it?" She scoffed.

"Uh, tell him? Confess? Get down on your knees, gaze deeply into his eyes, and proclaim your love or whatever? Or, what, do you plan on keeping this to yourself?" He shifted, swallowing around his heart which was currently in his throat. Carla stared at him.

"Oh my Gods, you actually were. Micheal James Karlstin!" He winced. Full name. Not good.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Don't what me! You are in love with Ed and you weren't going to TELL him?!"

"Well no, not yet at least! Things are good and I'm not going to mess it all up over three words. They can wait until I think it's time." Carla massaged her temples.

Two Idiots and a CapeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon