Chapter 9: Sandwiches and Hot Sauce Shops

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"Come on, let me see!" Pam yelled from outside the bathroom door. Edward rolled his eyes with a grin as he finished tucking in his shirt, smoothing it out and nodding in a satisfied way. He thought he looked pretty good having put on the nicest clothes he could find that weren't "too casual or too fancy", per Pam's instruction. He unlocked the door and walked out, immediately being hounded by his friend as she circled him, humming.

"Ok, ok, not bad... wait." She stepped into the bathroom and grabbed his cologne, spraying a very... generous cloud around him. He choked, waving her away as she smiled.

"Perfect!" She said. He coughed.

"I'm gonna end up knocking him out." She rolled her eyes.

"Knocking him out with your good looks maybe. You look great! You slicked your hair back again, though. I thought we talked about that." He pulled on his shoes.

"No, we didn't. Besides, I like my hair both ways, and tonight I wanted it slicked back." She sighed, grumbling under her breath as she put the cologne away. He grabbed his house keys and wallet, taking a deep breath. This was it, tonight was the night of his and Micheal's first date. He felt like his heart was gonna explode with how fast it was beating. Pam patted his back.

"You'll be great, just be yourself! And don't forget to have fun. But not too much fun." She gave him a little wink. He blushed.


"Alright, alright! Go! Get outta here!"

There were bees in his chest, he was, like, 94% sure of that. His palms were slick and he couldn't seem to stop his foot from tapping as he waited at the corner where he and Edward had agreed to meet. Deep breaths, come on. He fought villains and crooks every day and yet a single date had him about to pass out? He patted his cheeks. He could do this. It was four minutes to seven, seven being the agreed-upon time to meet. Glancing around Micheal tugged on his collar, trying to spot Edward in the crowd. It might still be a few minutes until he showed up. He focused on breathing, wiping his hands on his pants, and willing himself to stop sweating. He jumped when someone tapped him on the shoulder, turning around and coming face to face with Edward, who was dressed in a nice white shirt tucked into his pants, sleeves rolled up, his hair slicked back again.

"Hey! Nice to see you again." Edward smiled. Micheal grinned nervously.

"Nice to see you too! I've been looking forward to tonight." Edward's face heated a bit as he chuckled.

"Me too. So, what do you want to do?" Micheal blinked, smacking his forehead.

"Ah, stupid! I never texted you about what you wanted to do tonight, did I?" Edward shook his head.

"No, but that's fine. We could... go to eat somewhere?" Micheal nodded, feeling sheepish. He couldn't believe that he'd forgotten to text Edward. He'd just been busy this week and kept forgetting. Whatever, he'd make sure the rest of the night went well. They walked down the bustling street searching for a nice place to eat that didn't require a reservation. They found one eventually, a small sandwich shop that was less than half full. Micheal deflated a bit. He'd hoped to take Edward somewhere a bit nicer for tonight. Nothing over the top, but maybe a little classier than this. Edward however didn't seem deterred, happily sitting down at one of the booths and grabbing the plastic menu. Micheal followed suit, sitting across from him and shuffling a bit. He ordered a Reuben and iced tea while Edward got a classic turkey sandwich with water, the waitress humming and sauntering off. Edward fidgeted with his thumbs.

"You look nice tonight." Micheal tugged his sleeve.

"Heh, thanks. You look nice too." Edward grinned. Micheal straightened a bit, sniffing and suddenly letting out a sneeze. Ugh, what the heck?

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