Chapter 28: The End Part I

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"That is a HORRIBLE plan!"

"Oh, that's right, because you have a better one tucked into your boot, right?" Micheal groaned miserably, shaking his head.

"That's not the point–"

"That's exactly the point!" Edward yelled with his arms held out wide. Micheal wasn't sure what he'd expected when Edward had said he had a plan, but THIS was certainly not it.

"Your bright idea to take down a deranged, super-powered psychopath who can teleport through shadows and suck the life out of us is to throw rocks at her?" He asked; because he needed clarification. Edward nodded.

"Yup, pretty much." They stared at one another for a long moment. Micheal rubbed the bridge of his nose, stood up, and stared down at Ed with an outstretched hand.

"Let's do this."

The elevator dinged before sliding open, and Ed and Mike peeked out, glancing across the hallway to the windows that overlooked the city, trying to find any sign of Visne. She could be heard distantly shouting and smashing things, but they couldn't see her. Continuing, they took the stairs up to the roof and crouched low, whispering.

"You go left I go right," Edward ordered.

"It's about as well-formulated as the rest of your plan," Micheal muttered, doing as told. He ran to the edge of the rooftop, feet flickering with lightning before he jumped, sailing through the air before landing and rolling onto the roof of the next building. Behind him, on the other rooftop, Edward was sucking in a deep breath and shaking out his hands, stepping back before doing something similar to Micheal, his boots catching fire before exploding in a ball of light, sending him flying to the next roof. He bit his hand to contain his yell of terror, landing with a grunt and a hiss at his possibly-more-than-sprained ankle. He shook it off and slapped himself a few times, focusing on breathing.

"C'mon, get it together!" He encouraged; running and repeating the process. Back to Micheal, he had jumped onto his fifth roof, now right on top of Visne, who was entirely unaware that he was above her, watching. She was pacing back and forth with a manic look on her face, huffing and growling and chuckling at random times. He gathered up some rubble, bricks, and the like and fought to move past how ridiculous the plan was. Hey, so-crazy-it-just-might-work usually works out pretty well for people in books. But this wasn't a book; it was real life. He waited for the signal from Edward, though he had no idea what it was. Edward had told him, "you'll know it when you see it," and never said anything more, which was frustrating, but now he had some time to think. Things had been... surprisingly good between them, which was making Micheal's anxiety grow. He knows that he certainly felt awkward and more than a little guilty being around Ed after what had happened between them, but seeing as they were a bit tied up at the moment, they hadn't had a chance to talk about... Anything, actually. But Ed had called Mike his boyfriend, so that was a good sign, right? Taking a quick glance around, Micheal frowned. Speaking of Edward, where was he? He should have set off whatever signal it was by now. Maybe he had, and Micheal just hadn't seen it? Mike was torn from his thoughts by a tinging sound, and both he and Visne turned to look down the street. There was silence, then what sounded like a small, muffled explosion, and then a– Micheal blinked. Was that a hotdog? Visne let out a confused yell as a hotdog– complete with ketchup, mustard, and relish– hit her square in the face. If that wasn't a signal, Micheal didn't know what was! He grabbed a brick from his pile and launched it with a blast of light, sending it flying toward Visne's chest. It hit its mark, making her fall back to the ground, face wild and beyond angry.

"WHY YOU–!" Whatever she was about to say was cut off by yet another brick hitting her in the back, then a third, and a fourth. Edward finally appeared, one hand holding tight to the handlebar of the motorcycle he was riding while the other was enveloped in flames, firing off random chunks of rubble with a wide grin.

"LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!" Edward yelled, revving the bike. Micheal flinched as two bright spotlights lit up above them, shining down and bathing the street in light. Glancing up at the helicopters in confusion, Micheal was shocked to see–

"CARLA?" She smiled, looking smug.

"WHAT AM I, CHOPPED LIVER?" Pam spoke up, looking equally giddy. He blinked owlishly, beyond confused. His attention was torn away by a blood-curling scream from Visne as she fought Edward, who was still circling her on the bike. Jumping down and using controlled blasts to guide him, Micheal landed with a roll on the sidewalk, a few chunks of debris in his arms, launching them at Visne's back. She turned with a look on her face that could probably curdle milk, a smear of mustard on her cheek nearly making Micheal snort.

"You're going to regret this when I get my hands on you." She hissed, lashing out to strike Micheal, who ducked out of the way, smiling.

"Yeah, maybe, but we like to live in the now." Edward laughed, pulling up next to Mike and allowing him to climb on.

"Yep, living in the now. That's us!" Micheal gave a little salute as Edward gunned it, zooming down the street with Visne following close behind. Micheal held on tight to Ed, yelling to be heard over the sound of the engine.



"PAM AND CARLA?" Edward laughed.

"RAN INTO THEM BY ACCIDENT. THEY SNUCK OFF TO HELP US. I ASKED IF THEY COULD GET US SOME BRIGHT LIGHTS. CARLA SAID SHE'D FIGURE IT OUT. GUESS SHE DID!" Huh. Classic Carla. Edward drove into a parking garage, going up to the top where Visne blew through the concrete, still flying after them. Edward moved them toward the edge, setting his shoulders.

"MAKE SURE WE'RE GOING STRAIGHT." Micheal quirked a brow.


"BECAUSE I'M GONNA NEED TO CLOSE MY EYES FOR THIS." He gunned it, engine roaring as the edge of the garage came at them head-on.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING–?!" Both men yelled as the bike flew through the air, Micheal clutching Edward tightly. The motorcycle landed hard, skidding across the roof in a half-circle motion before coming to a stop. Neither man moved; their eyes closed tight as they panted. Mike was the first to look around, laughing crazily and shaking Ed's shoulder, who grunted.

"Ed! We're alive!"

" 'M never...opening... my eyes... again." He huffed. Their relief was short-lived as Visne caught up to them, hair swishing back and forth like the tail of a lion. She sneered, showing off sharp canines.

"You two are a couple of little daredevils, huh? Very entertaining, but I think I had enough playing." Edward tugged Mike onto the fire escape of the next looming building, climbing high up to the roof. Micheal huffed once they got to the top, looking over at Edward in confusion.

"Is this still part of your plan in progress?" He joked. Edward was staring off to the distance, a blank expression on his face, cuts and bruises from the fight against Radiex standing out starkly.

"Yeah, but you're not gonna like it." He turned to look at Micheal, eyes bright. "I'm sorry."

"Ed? What are you–" Edward grabbed Micheal's wrist and a pair of handcuffs and handcuffed him to the fire escape, stepping back as Micheal pulled, eyes wide.

"What the hell–!"

"Just trust me! This– this is the only way." Edward whispered. Micheal shook his head in confusion, eyes widening when Visne stepped onto the roof, grinning ferally at Ed.

"Looks like this is the end, boys." She said. Edward glared, eyes glowing as smoke rose again from between his lips.

"Yeah, it is."

And he tackled Visne with a sound of rage, both of them disappearing off the edge of the roof.

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