Chapter 22: Hatching Plan's

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Pam smiled widely into her mug of tea, laughing as Carla told her another ridiculous story about Mike and his heroic escapades. Man, he and Edward were way too alike.

"And then just the other night, he rushes off and gets himself stabbed! I swear he has a screw loose somewhere." Pam rolled her eyes, huffing.

"Tell me about it! Ed pretty much rushes out every other night just trying to get himself killed." They both paused to drink, snorting in indignation. Carla hummed into her coffee, holding up a hand.

"What really gets me, though, is the fact that neither of them has figured it out yet. I mean, it took us, what, one night to realize?" Pam laughed.

"I know! I mean, it's pretty obvious; They aren't doing a good job at hiding it. Especially when they do the whole swooning thing. Ed tells me he doesn't swoon, but you and I know better." Carla nodded. The two women had become fast friends when they discovered that they both knew the truth about NightHawk and Antennes, AKA, Edward and Micheal. Yes indeed, Pam and Carla knew the hero's and villain's secret identities and not-so-secret infatuation with one another. Now every Saturday, they make sure to meet up and joke about their friends' utter stupidity. Pam, however, also wanted to discuss something she'd been thinking about for a while now.

"So, I was wondering," She began slowly. Carla glanced up.


"Well, we both know that Ed and Mike are too stupid to figure the truth out for themselves..."

"Uh-huh," Carla agreed easily.

"And they'll never tell one another the truth, either." Carla nodded.


"So... How about we do the dirty work for them?" Pam asked, finally. Carla stared at her, an evil smile slowly unfurling over her face.

"I'm listening..."

Micheal hummed a little tune to himself as he worked, typing up a quick form in his cubical. It was late, with most people from the office having gone home, and Micheal was enjoying the quiet as he wrapped up a few things. He was so caught up in his work that he almost missed the sound of footsteps walking down the row towards him. He peeked over the walls of his cubical and saw Carla approaching him. Oh no, she had that look, the kind that meant that she was up to no good, probably having to do with his love life. He groaned, standing up and waving his hands.

"No. Nope. Nuh-uh. Whatever plan you have, just tuck it away. I'm already planning on seeing Ed this weekend to watch movies at his place, so I do not need–"

"Will you shut up for ten seconds? Gods... You're right, you will be seeing Ed this weekend, but not for movies. There's been a change in plans." ...Huh?

"A change in– No! We had perfectly good plans already!" Carla smiled dangerously, dark eyes scrunching up.

"Shut. Up. Ok? Just trust me. Now, I picked out this outfit for you, and you will wear it, and then you will go to Edward's and wait for Pam to pick you both up." Micheal blinked as Carla handed him a brand new pair of black jeans, a light blue button-up, and a leather belt. What the–

"Carla, what are you–" She held a finger to his lips, silencing him. He stared at the finger, then at her, eyes wide.

"Wh't 're yo–?"

"Sh! Gods, do you not know how to be quiet? Look, don't worry about it. Just wear the clothes on Saturday, go to Edward's, and get in the car when Pam gets there." And just like that, Carla turned around and left the office, leaving Micheal behind, shoulder's hunched and mouth open. What... What? That's really all he could think. What?

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