Indication of Forgiveness

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Their reunion was short-lived as Hartley ran to the guards, and she used the Rip Van Winkle flowers to put them to sleep. Uma was free.

Hartley may not have had magical powers, but, she was clever, and she used old, natural, and traditional magic for her evil plots.

Uma, however, did have powers in this land.

Uma suddenly jumped into the ocean and transformed into an octopus hybrid of herself.

"True love won't defeat this, the world will know my name! " She declared, darkly.

Uma's giant tentacles wound up and slapped the ship with a great impact-- causing the Cotillion guests to scream and run in fear, as they were knocked around violently and soaked with ocean water.

Hartley quickly took a bite of a Wonderland mushroom that she had been hiding, and shrunk down to the size of an insect. She was able to scurry away before anyone could see her in all of the confusion.

Raven stopped to concentrate-- hoping to use her magic to create a net out of the growing sea kelp to trap Uma, but it was then that she saw Mal.

Mal's eyes were turning an emerald green, and she was engulfed in purple smoke. Mal had transformed, like her mother, into a flying dragon.
Mal began to attack Uma, breathing fire and dive bombing the sea creature.

Carlos ran to Raven, and pulled her into his arms trying to protect her from the commotion. Evie and Doug were at the bow, as were Jay and Ben.

Before Raven could react to help, they heard a loud beast-like growl. It was Ben. The King had had enough of the fighting, and division between his people. A true leader, he pushed away the fear and took action. He had taken off his crown and his jacket and was now hurling himself off of the ship and into the ocean; putting himself between the octopus and the dragon.

Ben begged the two villain girls to stop the fighting, and work towards a solution. He appealed to Uma's conscious, her loyalty to the Isle, and her pride as a leader. Uma's stubborn and frightening visage had quickly fallen as the King spoke. She looked sadly at Ben, lingered for a moment as Mal flew overhead, and then swam away. Uma knew she couldn't win this, and that this fight wasn't the answer. Her plan had failed. Revenge on Mal wouldn't change anything, and it wouldn't free the Isle.

Ben was lifted back on to the ship on a ladder, by Jay. Mal flew down and landed on to the ships deck. She transformed back into herself; but this time wearing a stunning, purple, dragon inspired dress-- her pinkish purple hair in loose curls, and a small tiara on her head.

Mal looked to Evie:

"Okay... I did not know I could do that." She laughed.

"That's makes two of us." Evie quipped.

Mal quickly spotted Ben, standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her, his face flush with loving pride.

She bowed to Ben, and playfully splashed him with the water on the ship's floor. Both embraced one another, and Ben leaned towards Mal and planted a kiss. The threats were gone, and Mal had finally admitted her true feelings. Ben had proved that he did truly know her, and he loved her unconditionally.

Carlos turned to Raven, and hoping that the earlier kiss was an indication of forgiveness, he whispered in her ear:

"I have never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life."

Finally taking in the gorgeous pixie standing before him.

"I like your earrings." He added.

"It was all Evie." She murmured, blushing.

"No, the true beauty is you, just you." He expressed.

Carlos became overwhelmed with happiness that they were finally together at the Cotillion, like he had dreamed they would be.

He tried to pick up the pixie in a romantic gesture, but, she was still confused by his prior confessions, so she changed her body language to convey that she wasn't sure. He seemed to understand.

She did allow him to dance with her, as the group all danced together splashing in the water. VKs and AKs all coming together to celebrate that they were safe; and that Mal had been given the title "Lady Mal of Auradon". Carlos and Jay did splits, complicated turns, and flips, showing off for the AKs. Isle dancing was definitely a learned skill. Raven saved a dance for Ben and Doug and Jay; while Carlos danced with Evie, Mal, and Jane.

Eventually, they finished out the party with a slow dance. Carlos put out his hand to Raven, and asked her like a gentleman,

"May I have the honor of dancing with the fairest maiden at the Cotillion?"

Raven looked into his sincere eyes, and nodded, obligingly.

They held one another close, and danced together for the remainder of the song. Carlos was sad to pull away, for fear that this would be the last time, that he would be allowed to hold her.

"I know that you're still unsure, and I don't want to pressure you or anything, but is it okay for me to walk you back to your dorm? Asked Carlos, carefully.

Raven nodded and allowed the boy to escort her from the Cotillion.

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Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust; Sequel to Love is Weakness (Carlos De Vil) seriesWhere stories live. Discover now