Chapter Sixteen

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Heyo, luvs! I'm sorry about the delay of sixteen! Do hope you'll forgive me with this atrocity. My laptop broke, well, I accidentally shattered the screen, another story for another day, and so I had to order a new because there's no way I can type on my phone without it being such a wanker with me. I got it in on either Tuesday or Wednsday, but anyway. Here's the new chappy!

I made Luka a Feburary baby since I don't know his real birth month, as I have no recollection of it being in the show nor can I find it on the Wiki page.

All credit and admiration goes to the lovely artist who created this perfection~!

Anyway, enjoy, luvs!

word count: 1900


Luka stares at Marinette with mild confusion. For Marinette to tell him was quite concerning to him and it had a cyclone of questions spinning within his mind.

 "You...could you run that by me again, please?"

"You can't trust Lila, Luka." Marinette say again, her lips forming a thin line.

Okay...something definitely happened, just so much in fact, he could sense a certain stiffness all around the room. The signs blared in his mind like one of them shiny billboards on intersections. They are so bright, so loud with alarm ringing like a rock concert. His brain pulsated with an incoming migraine. 

"Did she hurt you?" Is all he could ask, for now.  His teeth gritted almost painfully, his protectiveness over Marinette running through him like a blaze of fire. "Or anyone else?"

And then the thought of his little sister hiding the fact she was being rained on by a mean girl enraged him, probably more so since Chloe's reign of terror.

Marinette places a hand on his arm, her touch instantly calming him, but his awakening anger still lingering.

"Yeah, she hurt me, " The bluenette admitted grimly. "That's what bullies do, they hurt people...and Lila is no different."

"That's it? She's just a bully?" Luka sent the short-haired girl a hard glance. "Do you really expect me to believe that's all?"


"Kagami!" Adrien's overwhelming joy-filled voice breaks through their conversation like a knife through butter.

Never had Marinette thought, even in her wildest dreams would she be glad to see Kagami again.

She was just as pretty as the last time Marinette's seen her. Her hair trimmed into a bob that she - and she only - seemed to pull off wonderfully. She adorns a brilliant Chinese-styled long sleeve tunic, pulling the look off with dark fitted pants and black, red, and white flower printed slippers. In every way, she was beautiful. And because she is so graceful and pretty, Marinette felt a bit envious.

Not an angry jealousy, no. A jealousy that made Marinette want to copy her pretty style, but that is unhealthy and she refused to stoop so low. Besides, Kagami never really did her, or anyone for that matter wrong and truly didn't deserve any kinds of hatred or green monsters at her.

Various emotions flickered through Lila, which she so desperately tried to mask with the most polite smile she could muster.

"Hello, Love, " Kagami greeted her boyfriend with a soft smile, returning the blond's affection with a peck to the cheek. "I hope I'm not too late?" 

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