Chapter Twenty Four

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Yeah, so a lot happened in the last chapter.

I would say sorry, but then I'd be lying. I'm not sorry at all :)

Edit: 07-08-21

I apologize for the long delay in this chapter. I'm working on my well-being and mental health. I'm sure most of you will understand depression is serious and shouldn't be taken lightly. I just got on anti-depressants and I should rebound soon, or at least I hope so. I just wanted all of you guys to know I haven't disappeared mysteriously.

This chapter is mostly about Luka's mother and Juleka finding out about him and it's not very long, but I hope you'll be okay with it.

Anyway, let's get on with it.

Entering the hospital, the hysterical Anarka Couffaine, and her youngest child Juleka ambush an unsuspecting nurse who nearly dropped her clipboard and papers, but luckily caught herself.

"My son!" Anarka cried, fat tears drenching her cheeks, thick streaks of dark mascara coloring her pale face.

"I beg your pardon?" The baffled nurse staggered.

"My son, Luka Couffaine! He's this tall, has blue hair and pierced ears!" Anarka described her son, gesturing above her head, tugging her bangs, and pinching her earlobes.

"I-I'm sorry, Ma'am, I don't know who you're talking about, " The nurse responded with uncertainty.

Anarka burst out in sobs, her words now frantic and unrecognizable. Her body quakes with each sob and she wasn't calming down any sooner. Juleka gently hugs her mother from the side, peering at the nurse.

"We got a call from the PPD that my brother was admitted into this hospital early this morning. They said he was in bad shape."

"U-uh. . ."

"Mrs. Couffaine?"

The mother, daughter, and even the nurse turn toward the voice. Come to find, it was Officer Roger. He stands a meter away, this remorseful, grim expression painting across his pale face. Behind him, approaches a younger man, probably the one who had called the Couffaine family to inform them that Luka had been hospitalized.

"Where's my son, Roger? Is he okay?" Anarka sniffles loudly.

"Perhaps we should talk someplace quiet." the officer suggested gently, gesturing the two ladies to follow him.




"Crictical condition?!" Anarka wailed, covering her quivering mouth with her hands. "Oh my God. . ."

"I'm afraid so, Ana." Officer Roger said remorsefully, entwining his fingers atop the round table top. "I know he's in surgery right now, and that he's lucky to even be breathing."

"Hold the phone, " Juleka rushed, her anxiety sky-rocketing more than it had been. "What all happened? Do we know who did this?"

"We don't, " The officer managed out. "We'll know more once your boy gets out of surgery."

"What was done to him?" Anarka whimpers numbly.

"I shouldn't --"

"Oh, screw it!" Anarka guffawed, lurching out of her chair, sending the plastic piece of furniture flying backward. "I, we, deserve to know what's been done to my Luka! I don't know shit! Either you get me someone who does, or you leave us the hell alone!"

"There's no need for that. . .Mrs. Couffaine, was it?" A woman's voice cuts through the tension like a sharp scalpel.

The three turn to the owner of the voice to find a gowned surgeon, no gloves, and protective face mask hanging nimbly from her left ear. Her arms were delicately crossed over her chest, and she had this firm and exhausted expression. The surgeons' eyes had forming bags under them, resembling black bruises, but weren't.

"Yes?" Anarka says wearily.

"I'm Dr. Emilia Grande, " She says, approaching the woman further. "I operated on your son. He's stabilized for now--"

"Oh, thank goodness!" The silver-haired mother exhaled with relief, a hand pressed over her heart.

"But, he received a substantial injuries to the head, arms, torso, and abdomen, " Dr. Grande began slowly, allowing the mother to process her words before she began the boy's state. "He's suffering a couple of cracked ribs, bruised jaw, and some internal bleeding. He also received a few deep lacerations to his forearms, shoulders, back, and minor contusions to the head."

"But, he---he is going to be okay, right?" Juleka quarried with tight lips, her hands tightly entwined with one another, her knuckles practically growing whiter with each injury listed.

"He will, " Dr. Grande nods, proceeding slowly. "He's being prepped for a room on the fifth floor, if you'd like to see him. Not you, Officer, " her dark eyes pierce Roger as he stands with Juleka. "He's not in a state to be answering questions right now. You'll come with me to my office after I've taken this family to the boy. He needs nothing more than comfort and to rehibilate right now. You'll make it worse interogating him."

Sighing heavily, the officer nods, "Yes, Ma'am."

"Come with me, I'll get your vistor passes permitted."

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