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And it was a blink of a second. One moment she could see Harry and Hermione with the time turner around their necks, and the next they were coming back into the room.

"Did it work?" Alex said and Hermione nodded.

"We saved Buckbeak and Sirius. The minister was going to send Buckbeak away somewhere horrible, 'just to make sure there's never a repeat of this incident'." Hermione scoffed.

"Thank you." Alex smiled and Hermione walked to her bed. "Get some rest. We have a long day ahead tomorrow."

"We do?"

"Only a month left till July. Plus, I need to see Saphira."

"Who's Saphira?" Harry asked.

"Oh, um. Nothing, no one, what are you talking about?" Madam Pomfrey walked in, ready to feed them all chocolate. She gave Alex an extra check up, and seemed satisfied with her results.

They were all discharged after lunch the next day. Alex went to go visit Snape first, promising to meet Hermione in Helga's Hall within an hour with Laila and Luna.
"How long have you known?" Alex asked.

"Known what?"

"The timeturner. You knew about it, and you knew Dumbledore would suggest we use it. That's why you said we couldn't do anything. You were talking about you and me, not Harry and Hermione."

"I had my suspicions, but it wasn't until I saw you enter your herbology exam and exit your charms exam in the same hour that I knew for certain. Somehow you were taking two exams in two very different location within the same hour."

"I did want to tell you." She said. "But I wasn't allowed to."

"I know."

"Thank you, for saving us yesterday."

"You seemed to pass out for reasons I don't understand."

"I swear, I will tell you. I promise. I just need a little time." He nodded.

"You also needn't worry about Lupin. Somehow the fact that he's a werewolf got around. He's resigned."

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did. The deal was he would take the potion every month and not endanger the students of the school. I certainly spent more than enough of my time making sure he had access to the potion. When he forgot last night, he put all of the students in this school in danger. Dumbledore's much too fond of him to fire him, and too interested in seeing if there'll be an exception to the curse on the position. I, however, am under no such obligation. My duty is to my students, and to you. So I did what was necessary."

"I know you enjoyed it." She said. "But thank you. I admit I do feel better that he's not coming back, though I do wish it were under more pleasant circumstances."

"I definitely enjoyed it." He confessed and Alex rolled her eyes.

"Maybe you shouldn't have. But maybe I also shouldn't feel relieved he's gone."

"Nobody's perfect." He said.

"Where do you think Pettigrew's going?"

"Probably to Voldemort. He can't reveal himself to anyone else. Not without proving Sirius right. Then it'd be straight to Azkaban for him."

"Why couldn't you tell Fudge he was back? That Black isn't guilty of the crimes he was arrested for?"

"You know I was a death eater." He said quietly. "Without proof, I might as well have been sticking up for an old mate."

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now