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The Weasley family headed to Diagon alley on the last day of the holidays. As usual, Alex and Ron were going to be using their siblings' books, with the exception of care of magical creatures.

"Hermione! It's nice to meet you in person." Emiko greeted kindly.

"In person?" Ron repeated.

"It's nice to see you too. I can't believe you're here! This is going to be so exciting."

"I'm suddenly dreading a Hogwarts experience with the two of you." Emiko and Hermione looked at each other before smirking.

"It's going to be wonderful." Hermione said.

"It's going to be a nightmare. I'll probably get no time to myself." She suddenly turned to Ron. "Ron, dear brother of mine. You and Harry usually get into some trouble at school. Can you take Hermione with you as often as possible? Hog her, latch on to her-"

"Nice try, Alex, but you're forgetting Megan will happily substitute for me."

"Megan hates me, like, a solid eighty percent of the time. I can work past her."

"Then Charlie'll take my place."

"Oh, crap. She actually would."

"I think you broke your brother." Emiko said. Ron had fallen behind, frozen in a state of shock.

"Oh. Oops. 'Dear brother of mine' probably took it a little too far." Alex grimaced.

"You think?" Hermione said.

"I'm fine!" Ron insisted, catching up. "I'm fine."

"Okay." Alex continued walking, heading to Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlour. She, Emiko and Ron had already searched most of diagon alley for Harry while they waited for Hermione to arrive. He didn't seem to be anywhere.

"Hermione, tell me more of Hogwarts. Alex doesn't tell me much beyond sharing living quarters."

"Well, it's not as fancy as Mahoutokoro, but Hogwarts really is beautiful. It's impossible to describe, but I think it'll take even your breath away. Alex has so many nooks and crannies- most she refuses to share with even me, so don't be disheartened if she disappears."

"I do that a lot." Alex chimed.

"Now, you've lived with Alex for over six months. You know how she can be. But, there's a different side to Alex. The more people she's around- especially at Hogwarts- the grumpier she gets."

"That's rude!"

"It's the truth. Anyways, you can't ever take anything she says seriously." They reached the parlour.

"You guys gossip, I'll order. What flavors would you like?"

"Strawberry and raspberry please." Hermione said.

"Peanut butter and vanilla with chocolate sprinkles." Ron ordered.

"I'd like to come with you. I don't know what flavours there are here."

"I mean, it's not so different from Japan, except we don't have matcha." Alex shrugged, but let Emiko go with her to order while Hermione and Ron found them a table.

"Okay, tell me what's the best flavour?"

"I'd say plain vanilla with strawberry sauce."

"That's boring. What's your least favourite?"

"Butterbeer with chocolate sauce."

"What's butterbeer?"

"It's a British thing." Alex said. "Super gross."

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now