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"Hermione, you know how you wanted us to share the discovery of Helga's hall with the rest of the school?" Alex asked. The two girls were sitting out with the unicorns. Mari seemed to like Hermione the most.

"Yeah...?" Hermione answered suspiciously.

"What if we made a presentation? Gather all the facts on the founders. Everything we can find out about them and figure out where the other entrance to the hall is. We can present it at the end of the year and show everyone."

"Are you sure?"

"We could break so many house stereotypes. Everyone thought Slytherin was this power hungry doo doo head. But there's more to him. Everyone thinks Gryffindor is this noble warrior, but as we can see there's more to him here too. And that Ravenclaw didn't care about anything except knowledge. We know there was more to her. I think everyone got Hufflepuff right actually, because I don't see anything different about her based on Slytherin's diaries, but there's still more we've got to go through."

"But you like going there."

"Well, we don't have to tell anyone about our corridor. The way we come through doesn't even look like an exit. Plus we still have the forest here, and the vanishing room and Myrtle's bathroom."

"Let's do it."

"And I think it could be a lot better if it came from four representatives of each house."

"You want to invite people there? To help us?"

"I just think if we're going to try to break down house stereotypes, it'll come a lot better if we have all the houses working together. We've got you and me, obviously, and we'll make anyone we invite promise not to speak a word of it outside the four of us."

"Who do we know from Slytherin and Ravenclaw that we can trust? I mean, I guess Luna kept Kichiro a secret, so we can trust her."

"I think we should invite Laila from Slytherin."

"Are you sure you know her well enough?"

"Yes. She's a friend now. I think we can trust her."

"Okay, let's go now. It's a big project. It's going to take a lot of our time. Shall we tell the teachers?"

"Well, I know Snape would be okay with it, but the rest might insist on seeing it for themselves or not let us. So let's not tell any of them."

"Deal." Hermione stood. "Come on, come on!"

"Hermione relax, we have eight months."

"You think that's enough time to document Helga's Hall, Gryffindor's Grove, Rowena's Study and Slytherin's Chamber and turn it into a presentation and gather the courage to share it with entire school? Really? You know we're taking extra classes right?"

"But, we have a time turner."

"That were not supposed to misuse."

"Which we won't do. We'll just take advantage of the time we're already turning back and meet Luna and Laila after our classes."

"Okay fine. That sounds good. But still. It's a lot of work, and we do need to rest. You especially since you barely get any sleep on a normal basis." Alex debated whether to tell Hermione about her deal with Snape but eventually decided against it. She stood up, and after a wave to the unicorns followed Hermione back to Hogwarts.

"Any idea where we can find them?"

"I've got an idea. Come on, we've got to go to the twins."

"Aren't they mad at you?"

"Nah, they can take as good as they give. They'll be over it." Hermione looked unconvinced but continued making her way to the Gryffindor common room. Hermione stated the password without even bothering to hide it from Alex. At her raised brows, she elaborated.

"Password's changing in the morning, so it doesn't matter."

"Oh, okay." She spotted Ron on a couch with Harry. "Ron, are the twins here?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Just checking in to see if the twins are here. I need to ask them something. Can you go see if they're here?" Ron stood up grumbling, but headed up the steps.

He returned a few moments later, the twins in tow. "To what do we owe this pleasure?" George asked.

"I need a favour."

"And why should we help you?" Fred replied.

"I need to find a couple of people. Name your price." They shared glances.

"Why'd mum send you a howler?"

"I tell you, you tell me where I can find who I looking for?"


"I took part in a competition. Got through to the next round and Mum got over excited."

"What competition? When?"

"It's a potions one and on the day of the Hogsmeade trip. Your turn."

"Who are you looking for?"

"Luna Lovegood and Laila Shafiq."

"Are you sure that's wise? I hear the Slytherins all hate you now."

"You break one boy's ribs and suddenly a quarter of the school hates you. Oh boy, whatever shall I do?" Alex said in a dry tone.

"Wait here, we'll be back in a second." They left. Ginny approached them and Alex gave her sister a warm smile.

"Hey Gin, how are you?"

"I'm doing really good, thanks."

"Great." Alex held out her hand. There was a healthy flush on Ginny's cheeks as she high fived her sister.

"What are you doing here?"

"We've finally found a use for the twins and I'm taking advantage."

"Another prank?"

"Ha, no. I'm working on a project and I need to hunt down a few people."

"Your Ravenclaw buddy's in the forest, and Shafiq's in the library." Fred called.

"Great. Thanks." She said and turned to Ginny. "I have to go. You're alright, though?"

"I'm alright." Ginny smiled and Alex nodded before leaving.

A/N- Big sister Alex makes me melt. I love her and Ginny's relationship.

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now