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Alex faltered for a moment before going after Sirius Black who was holding her brother hostage.
"Oh, I'm going to be sick." She groaned, reaching the room. He held up Ron's wand, pointing it at her and she held up her hands.

"I'm sorry for the deception." He said.

"Don't talk." She blanched. "I just need a moment." She crouched over beside Ron. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright. Why'd you come after me?" He asked. "And where's Harry and Mione?"

"I expect they're attempting to figure out a way in here."

"You didn't answer my first question."

"Mum would kill me if you died and I did nothing." She said.


"Your leg's broken." She said.

"Really? I hadn't noticed." He said. She looked around.

"I don't know how to set a broken bone." She said, with a groan.

"Why would you?" He asked.

"Because I have an idiot brother." She said. He glared. "Well, at least you're not passed out or anything. You'll survive, as long as we can get you to Madam Pomfrey."

"Yeah, I'm sure a murderer who kidnapped me will let me go to get medical attention. And how do you know him?"

"When I thought he was a dog, I used to meet him outside."

"If you want a dog so bad, ask mum and dad instead of befriending three headed dogs and giant murderous animagi."

"A cerberus?" Sirius Black looked interested in a deranged sort of way.

"Oh, god." She groaned. "Snape's going to kill me."

"He's still around then?" Sirius asked, a nasty scowl on his face.

"Stop talking!" Alex burst out. "It's too weird because for months you were Snuffles, a nice good doggy I could confide in and talk to. And now you're an evil murderous psychopath fugitive on the run. So stop talking or I'm really gonna sick all over you."

"Only you would tell a fugitive to shut up." Ron grinned at his sister.

"Don't be nice." She said. "All this could've been avoided if you didn't have to run out into the forbidden forest."

"That's funny coming from the girl who has sleepovers out there."

"I'm going to kill those twins." She said before catching sight of Hermione and Harry. "Stop!" Hermione froze, immediately slamming an arm out to stop Harry in his tracks. "Go back. It's a trap. Run!"

"What?" They hesitated a little longer though. Too loyal to leave the siblings behind, giving Sirius the chance to disarm them.

"Expelliarmus." Hermione and Harry's wands was in his hand. "I thought you'd come and help your friend," he said hoarsely, his voice sounding as though he had long since lost the habit of using it. "Your father would have done the same for me. Brave of you not to run for a teacher. I'm grateful...it will make everything much easier...."

"Shut up!" Alex said, as she and Hermione grabbed Harry to stop him from attacking Black. She glared sternly at her brother who was attempting to stand up. "Ronald Bilius Weasley. If you move another inch, I will break your other leg."

"She's right." Black said quietly. "You will damage that leg even more if you move."

"Don't speak for me." She snapped.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!" Ron said from where he was perched.

"There'll only be one murder here tonight." He replied, grinning sadistically. Alex reached to where her wand was hidden on its holster.

Alex Weasley: Book 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum