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"We should see if Harry's back at the leaky cauldron yet." Ron said. "He's got to be here somewhere."

"Sure." Hermione agreed.

"Maybe he's just made new friends." Alex offered. "It's not like he was expecting any of us." They ignored her and stood to leave the ice cream parlour.

"Harry!" Ron called catching sight of the boy who lived.

"You were saying?" Hermione asked before joining Ron in greeting their friend. Alex rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's introduce you to the famous Potter."

"Wait- Potter? Harry Potter? The boy who survived the killing curse?" She asked. "That's who you were looking for?"

"Yeah. He's not that impressive."

"But he's-"

"I promise you, whatever assumptions you have of him are wrong."

"He's the boy who lived. How wrong could they be?" Alex shook her head and led her to him.

"Harry, meet Emiko. She'll be coming to Hogwarts. Emiko, Harry." Alex said. "Can we go to the apothecary now?"

"I thought we'd agreed to go there last. That way you can spend as long as you want there?" Hermione said.

"Where else do we need to go?"

"I want an owl, remember? Just because you and I can communicate instantaneously, doesn't mean I have no use for letters."

"It doesn't?" Alex joked. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Someone's got to assure Cedric you aren't just ignoring him!"

"Hey! I wrote to him this summer."

"She did." Cedric agreed. Harry was looking at Emiko as the girls bickered.

"So you know Alex from school?"

"She stayed with my family." Emiko said. Harry looked confused.

"Mahoutokoro's a day school. It's not a boarding school like Hogwarts." Alex quickly tuned into the conversation to explain, before turning back to Hermione and Cedric. "I'm just saying. You don't really need to send letters. I mean, Harry never replies and you always make me relay your messages to Ron."

"One time, Alex. That happened one time."

"Are you looking forward to Hogwarts?" Harry asked Emiko.

"Honestly, I'm a little apprehensive. Alex hasn't told me much except about the dorms."

"It's wonderful." Harry shook his head. "It's more of a home than a school."

"Except you live with your teachers." Ron added.

"That's nothing new. I live with my headmistress back home." Emiko shrugged. "And the potions mistress."

"You do? That must suck."

"Ron, no. Her potions mistress is her headmistress and her mother." Alex said. "And she's awesome."

"To you." Emiko rolled her eyes. "You're the daughter she wishes she had."

"I can't help it if your mother finds me charming." Ron scoffed. Alex ignored him.

"My mother finds anyone who isn't me charming." Emiko sighed. Alex grinned.

"I'll write to her and tell her you said that."

"Do you really think Errol can fly to Japan?"

"No, I'll send it through May's Mail carriers."

"Well, tell her what you want."

"Okay. And when she kicks your ass for your self deprecating and totally false comments, just remember you gave me permission."

"Alex." Hermione said. "Stop being mean."

"You never let me have fun anymore." Alex pouted.

"Oh come on." Cedric bumped his shoulder against hers gently. "We all know you're nice. What harm would it do if you dropped the pretence?"

"Pretence? How dare you?" She bumped him back, harder. "Take it back."

The train ride to Hogwarts was a novel experience for Emiko. She'd never seen a train before.
"You use this muggle contraption to get there?" She asked.

"Well, it's the safest and most accessible way to get there. There are wards around Hogwarts, preventing most magical means of transportation, and flying isn't really a good solution like it is in Mahoutokoro. We have students coming from all over the country."


"Come on. Let's say go find a compartment to sit in. We can say hi to Hermione later."

"We're not sitting with her?"

"She can sit with Ron and Harry. Would you like to stay with them?"

"What about you?"

"I would rather fall on my katana than spend the entirety of the journey with them."

"That's graphic." She followed Alex to an empty compartment.

"Here." Alex said.

"Great." Emiko settled her trunk under the chair. She sat opposite Alex. Alex brought out a book and gave it to Emiko.

"It tells you more about Hogwarts if you want to know. It was up on the bookshelf in your room. I wanted to see if you'd notice." Alex chuckled.

"I really don't like you." Emiko glared but took the book.

It was five minutes before anyone tried to join their compartment.
"Mind if we join?" Blaise and Draco stood at the door.

"Yes." Alex said. The boys disregarded her answer and entered. "Draco, Blaise- Emiko Kurata. Exchange student. Emiko- Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini. Professional prats."

"Freak." Draco insulted. Alex smiled.


"We haven't even reached Hogwarts. Will you two cut it out?" Blaise huffed.

"I'm confused. Are you friends or enemies?"

"Bit of both." Alex shrugged.

"Is she going to be sorted?"

"Nope. Straight to Hufflepuff for her. She's stuck with me."

"How dreadful." Draco said to Emiko. "Feel free to find us when you get tired of her."

"Don't you have minions to get back to?" Alex asked. The boys stood.

"See you around." Blaise winked at Emiko before leaving.

"Seriously, do you like them or hate them?"

"Some days I can't tell." Alex replied. "Though if you ask anyone I absolutely loathe them."

"That's really clarified things, thanks."

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now