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Cedric insisted they visit a place called Madam Puddifoot's tea shop before they had to go back. On their way, they passed Hermione, Ron and Emiko. The girls pulled Ron away from going over, all the while giggling. Alex glared at Hermione but didn't engage in any conversation.
"You alright?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yeah. Fine. You?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Here we are." Alex looked up at the pink shop. It was actually rather cute and picturesque. There were pink tables by the window and comfortable looking sofas in both pink and purple. There was a chandelier on the ceiling and a picture station at the back of the shop. The door jingled a melodious tune as they walked in.

"This place is adorable." She said looking around. He let out a sigh of relief, and she turned to him confused. "Did you think I wouldn't like it?"

"I mean, girls usually like this sort of stuff, don't they? But you're not a-" he stopped himself and she bit back a laugh. "I'm gonna pay for that one later, aren't I?"

"Yeah." She agreed.

"Hi, welcome to Madam Puddifoot's. How may we help you?"

"Table for two, please?" Cedric asked.

"Right this way." She led them to one of the sofas at the back. "This okay?"

"Yeah, thanks." Alex said and the woman handed them a menu before walking away.

They walked back to Hogwarts together, surrounded by the other students. Alex had clutched tightly onto his arm as they passed the dementors guarding the gates. Thankfully, Cedric didn't comment on it.
"Are you gonna go see Kichiro today?" He broke the silence.

"Yeah. Do you wanna come?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Great. I think he misses you."

"You know, one day, we're gonna graduate. Who's gonna be here for Kichiro?"

"Well I graduate two years after you. After me, Luna will be here. And I'm sure she'll find someone after her that we can trust with him. It can be a thing."

"No one's ever going to be you though. You love him as much as he loves you."

"Maybe I'll sneak into the forest every once in a while. Or maybe I'll become a teacher so I have an excuse to be here."

"That's a joke, right?"


"You're going to be the new Snape." He teased.

"If the name fits."

"Does it?"

"I think I'll stick with Weasley."

"It suits you." She nudged him away, letting go of his arm. "What?"

"Too much niceness for a single day." She said.

"But you are-"

"Finish that and I will finish you." He laughed.

"I don't think you will."

"Why not?"

"I think you like hanging out with me."

"That's delusional."

"Oof." He grunted, clutching his chest in faux pain.

"You're an idiot."

"You're an idiot."

"How original."

"Make sure to line up in front of your house head as you enter the hall!" McGonagall called as they approached Hogwarts. "Your prefects will direct you."

"Hey, you're a prefect." Alex said. "You're gonna have to do your prefectly duties."

"That's not even a word."

"I'm making it one." She stated.

"My bad."

The prefects had them line up according to house and year. Then Professor Sprout ticked them off her register, making sure no student had been left behind in Hogsmeade.

As soon as Cedric had left her side, Charlie slipped in beside her.
"Don't start." Alex said and Charlie smirked knowingly.

"Start what?"

"You know what."

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, Alex. Did you have fun?" Megan said from behind her. Alex turned to glare at her.

"I hate you."

"I know." Megan winked.

"No she doesn't. No you don't." Hannah insisted, and Alex softened.

"Of course not. I'm kidding." Hannah brightened. "What did you guys do?"

"Oh, it was amazing. We worked our way through the shops on the Main Street. We bumped into almost everyone at least once. I don't remember seeing you and Cedric though." Charlie said.

"Oh god. No."

"Hermione wouldn't tell us where you were either." Emiko said. "Where were you?"

"You know, I would like a little mystery in my life."

"You never tell us anything." Emiko deadpanned. "You have entirely too much mystery."

"And that's what you like about me."

"No, it's what we hate about you." Megan corrected.

"But you respect my choice not to say anything I don't want to?" Alex tried.

"Very reluctantly."

"That's why this friendship works."

"Barely." Megan answered, her eyes narrowed.

"We didn't go to Main Street. He took me to a restaurant kind of farther away from everyone. Then we came back and went into the quidditch supply store, and then we visited the tea shop."

"Puddifoot's?" Susan asked with a smirk.

"Susan! I'd expect that from Megan and Charlie. Not you."

"So are you guys official now? Is he your boyfriend?"

"I mean, we didn't talk about it. And I really don't want to talk about it right now."

"Hannah Abbott." Professor Sprout called and she raised her hand.


"Susan Bones."

"Here." Alex knew there were quite a few students until her name so she turned to look for Hermione. Her view was blocked by rows and rows of students so she was unsuccessful. She eventually tuned back in when Zacharias's name was called.

"Here." He called.

"Alex Weasley?"

"Here." She raised a hand.

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now