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Alex didn't bother stopping to get her new equipments from the dorms. She just went straight back to the lab and sat at a table, drumming her fingers on the wood in front of her. The door opened and she turned to look.
"Laila, hi!" She waved.


"Snape's not here. He's taking a Slytherin to the hospital wing."

"I know. I bumped into him and he told me to come see you."

"Why?" Laila didn't have an answer.

"I don't know. What happened?"

"I broke his ribs."

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you Weasley."

"It wasn't on purpose or out of malice. Danny startled me." There was a hint of pleading in her tone.

"So you broke his ribs?"

"I didn't mean to."

"This'll do wonders for your rep. Mess with Alex Weasley, end up in the hospital wing." Laila smirked.

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"How'd you break his ribs?"

"Kicked him."

"Because he startled you?"



"He was behind me, grabbed my arm. I used the self defence I learnt at Mahoutokoro and you're all caught up."

"You learnt self defence in Mahoutokoro?" Laila sounded impressed.

"You should see Emiko. She's a demon when she fights."

"She's the transfer student, right?"

"Yeah." Alex replied glumly.

"Chin up, why don't you? The boy'll be fine."


"Yeah, whatever. Danny will be fine. Madam Pomfrey will be able to heal him within seconds."

"Could've been worse. Could've punctured his lung and killed him."

"But you didn't."

"I could have."

"Well, Madam Pomfrey still would've gotten to him on time. Stop sulking so much. You're usually slightly sulky not super sulky."

"I don't sulk." Alex denied.

"Don't lie, Weasley. You're no good at it."

"I successfully lie to many people very often." Laila laughed at her.

"Come on, Weasley. Don't make me drag Cedric in here."

"You think Cedric's presence will just... magically cheer me up."

"You're already smiling." She pointed out and Alex scowled. "Slytherins are tough. He'll be fine."

"I still hurt him."

"He shouldn't have grabbed you without warning." Laila told her. "He shouldn't have touched you without permission. You know that right, Alex?"


"No one should ever touch you without your permission. You were well within your rights to defend yourself." Alex looked up at her, surprised by the gravity of her tone. Laila's eyes were hard and seemed to be staring right through Alex.

"Yeah." Alex replied finally. "I know. I just wish I didn't hurt him."

"You don't get to feel bad about protecting yourself. Hogwarts is a big place. It's safe from outside threats but sometimes bad things happen within its walls. So do not beat yourself up because you were defending yourself."

"I understand." She met Laila's eyes, spotting the haunted look in her eye. Alex stood up and walked closer to her, stopping in front of the Slytherin. "Do you ever feel safe anymore?"

"Took a while, but eventually yeah. Snape spoke to my parents and got me set up with a mind healer."

"He does this sort of thing a lot then?" Alex asked. "Help kids?"

"Only when no one else will help. Is he helping you?"

"Yeah." Alex said softly. "You know, Emiko and I spar sometimes. To make sure we don't get rusty. Maybe you could join us and learn to protect yourself too."

"I'd like that. Not that I'm helpless or anything."

"Trust me, no one thinks that. Everyone who doesn't know you is too afraid to approach you."

"But I'm a sweetheart." Laila frowned convincingly.

"Would you like me to plaster Laila Shafiq is a sweetheart all over the school? I'd have to face Filch's wrath, but I'd do it for you."

"Do it and I'll hex you." Alex's smile widened.

"Can I hug you?" She asked. Laila looked taken aback but nodded. Alex held out her arms and took another step forward enclosing them around Laila. Laila hugged her back. "Most people aren't actually scared of you. They're more in awe because you're cool."

"You're pretty cool too." Laila whispered back and Alex released her hold.

Snape returned a few minutes later and Alex looked up.
"How is he?"

"He's fine. Healed up already." Alex visibly relaxed.

"Good. What's my punishment? Detention? Points?"

"For protecting yourself?"

"He didn't try to hurt me. But I hurt him." Snape studied her and gave in, knowing there'd be no talking her out of it.

"Detention for a week then. You can help me make potions for the hospital wing."

"But I do that anyway."

"Well, your brothers already took care of the cauldrons, so potion making will have to suffice. And while you're at it, you can restock and sort the potions cupboard too." She huffed.

"It's hardly a punishment."

"It isn't?" Laila asked. "Sounds like a punishment to me."

"It's fun." Alex argued.

"That's just you. To anyone else, it's a punishment. It's like enjoying lines."

"She would enjoy lines." Snape answered and Laila rolled her eyes.

"I've never met such a swot and I know some of the nerdiest Ravenclaws." Laila teased.

"If you're trying to hurt my feelings, you're going to have to try harder because that's more of a compliment."

"Both of you go. It's nearing dinner. Alex, I'll see you tomorrow at four thirty."

"Yes, sir."

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now