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After Sirius Black had attempted to break into Gryffindor tower, Dumbledore insisted all students sleep in the great hall, while the teachers searched the grounds. She wondered how many teachers would be part of the search. It was a full moon, so Lupin would be out. That made her feel better, knowing he wouldn't be around. It was too late to organise the students into year and house, so they were simply told to find a space and get some rest. Hermione forced Alex to take the sleeping bag next to hers. Ginny slept on the one on her other side with Harry and Ron on Hermione's other side. There was some space between each sleeping bag, which Alex was grateful for. On the other hand, there wasn't so much space that she could sneak out either. Teachers were coming and going and she'd be noticed.
"H." She hissed, turning on her side.


"Did you save me some sweets?"

"A mass murderer broke into the school and that's what you wanna know?"

"I'm bored. It's too dark to read."

"Yes, I saved you some. It's in my bag. I'll give it to you in the morning."

"Did you finish your ancient runes homework?"

"Go to sleep or I'll lie down on top of you." Hermione threatened and Alex huffed. She turned away and faced Ginny.

"Gin?" There was a sharp pinch on her arm and she turned to see Hermione leaning over.

"Let your sister sleep and get some rest yourself." Alex harrumphed and turned onto her back looking up at the ceiling. The stars above were nice. Without really meaning to, her ears caught up chatter from Harry and Ron. The former was detailing his encounter with Remus earlier that day, and how Snape had dropped by to give him a potion. Alex ignored it, until Harry pretty much accused Snape of attempting to poison the DADA teacher.

"He did not-" She started but was cut off by Hermione.

"I got it." She said and turned to the boys. "Haven't we already gone through this before? He's not trying to kill anyone. Now go to sleep."

"You didn't see the look on his face." Harry defended.

"Does first year mean nothing to you? Besides, do you really think he'd be so obvious as to poison him in front of you?" Hermione challenged.

"Yes." Harry answered. "It's obvious he doesn't like Lupin."

"He's too smart to be so obvious. And he wouldn't kill someone just because he didn't like them. There'd probably be a shortage of people in the world if he did." Alex hissed. Hermione laughed softly.

"That's not funny." Ron scowled.

"You just don't like him. Lupin told you himself. He wasn't feeling well. Snape brews all the potions for the hospital wing, including the countless elixirs you consume." Alex said pointedly to Harry. "Including the mandrake restorative potion for all those who were petrified. He's a professional, so why wouldn't he brew a colleague a potion?"

"I still think it's fishy." Ron grumbled.

"Just go to sleep." Alex huffed turning away.

Nothing really changed between Alex and Cedric over the next few days. They met up for their flying sessions, and sometimes hung out in the astronomy tower or around Kichiro. Her friends found it very anticlimactic and she had had enough of their constant badgering. So one day, when they were with Kichiro, she asked.
"What are we?" Cedric looked puzzled.


"No." She laughed. "I mean you and me. Are we friends?"

"I'd hope so."

Alex Weasley: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now