Chapter 13

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Artemis's POV

Me and Jason looked to each other. He turned his attention back to Sportsmaster, also known as my father.

"I'm gonna kill him." Jason mumbled pulling something out of his pocket. I looked down and realized he had a knife,

"Jason, no." I grabbed his free hand. He glanced at me but quickly looked away.

"Your better than that. We don't kill, you know this!" I practically pleaded.

"Artemis, he abused you! He hurt you." He grabbed both of my arms tightly. I looked over and watched as the rest of our team fought against my dad and this unknown women in a cheshire cat mask.

"Then he can rot in prison. You don't want to be just as bad as he was." I looked back at Jason's piercing blue eyes. I wanted to kill my dad as much as he did, if not more. He killed my mother for fucks sake! But I will never stoop to my fathers level.

Im a better person than he is, but his ass will rot in prison. And so will his little accomplice.

Jason sighed and nodded letting go of my arms, I reach in my pocket pulling out a retractable staff. I use to use a bow all the time but since I became some new I decided I needed a new weapon. I popped open the staff as me and Jason ran to help the team.

"I was hoping you would join us.. Haven't seen you in awhile, babygirl." he said lowly swinging his javelin under Jason's feet trying to trip him. I could see the anger in Jason's face, the wanted to kill my dad.

"A little family reunion! isn't that right, Jade?" Sportsmaster turned to look at the girl in the cheshire cat mask.



"You can't leave we have to keep this family from falling apart!" The young blonde shouted to her older sister.

"I can't stay here any longer, dad is to much! I would take you with me but you'll only slow me down." The dark brown haired girl put other items in her duffle bag.

"Someone has to be here when mom gets out." Artemis said lowly to her older sister.

"When will you learn? In this family it's every girl for herself." She said while grabbing her bag and leaving. The blonde sat and weeped into the tiny teddy bear she was holding.

End of flashback (i'm sorry if some of that was not completely accurate to the actual episode!)

I froze. She left because of dad and now she's working with him?

"How could you do this to mom?" I yelled running full sprint at my sister staff in my hand.

"Don't get all soft on me, lil sis." I could hear her chuckle under her mask. I was fueled with anger, she was working with him. I swung my staff at her but she dodged it quickly,

"If I wasn't mistaken I think ur trying to hit me?" she cocked her head to the side.

"No shit." I swung again and hit her legs out from under her.

"Your disgusting! How could you work for someone like him?! He killed our mother for fucks sake!" I hit her mask off with my staff, she looked at me with sho k.

She didn't know.

"What?" she gulped out. She quickly turned her attention to my father who was standing over robin, she got up and ran to my father. The team swiftly got out of the way to her and walked over to me. We watched as she threw swings at my father, I look over to Wally as he gave me and apologetic look. I gave him weak smile while we left my father and sister to fight. Jason squeeze my hand as we stepped onto the bioship.

This is my family.

I smiled at that thought.

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