Chapter 10

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Artemis's POV

My breathing increases as we fly over Mt. Justice in the bioship. So many painful memories overflow my head at once,

"Your worthless!" Wally screamed at me in the training room as the others watched.

What am I doing back here? I told myself I would never come back,

"She doesn't deserve to be on this team." superboy whispered to M'gann while we all sat in the living room.

I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. I can't breathe,

"She's no good, Batman. A daughter of criminals!" Superman argued to the Bat.

A hand lays in my knee, I looked over to Wally as he looked at me worried. I faked a smile and turned my head back around. We landed at the cave and all got out. I took a few steps out as a feel an arm wrap around my shoulder,

"This places is huge." Jason says pulling me closer. I laughed,

"Wait until you see the inside." I nudged him.

"The only insides I want to see is yo-"

"Don't finish that sentence or I will kill you." He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"You know you love me." I rolled my eyes,

"oh shut it." We all walked inside the cave and flopped down in the living room.

"So we have rooms for you both. Artemis can have her old room and Jason you can pick any empty room." Aqualad said standing in front of us all.

"Or.. hear me out.. I could just share with Arty here." he smirked.

"I don't think that would be appropriate." Kaldur stated as Robin let out a quiet chuckle.

"Fine i'll just have the one in front of hers." he shrugged leaning against me.

"That's my room." Wally said bluntly. Jason rolled his eyes,

"Whatever i'll just go find one then." he said getting up and walking off towards the rooms. Robin soon followed after him,

"Well i'm tired. I'll uh see you guys in the morning I guess." I said standing up walking towards my room. I opened my door and soon felt a hush of air go past me as I close it,

"Wally, what are you doing?" I turned around to face him as he sat on my bed.

"I dunno I felt like we should talk about what happened today." he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"There's nothing to talk about. You kissed me and I pushed you off end of story." he got up and started pacing around my room,

"So your saying you didn't feel anything when we kissed? There's something between us don't lie!" I sighed and sat on my bed watching him pace back and forth.


"No! i'm not gonna let you deny what we have. I'm sorry for how I treated you before, I done that because I didn't know how to handle my feelings for you."

"and you think that justifies it! You put me through hell, Wally!" His breathing begins to increase,

"Don't you think I know that!" he quickly punches a hole in my wall. My eyes went wide as I flinch, did he really just do that?

"Get out." he ran his fingers through his hair,

"I'm sorry, Artemis. I-I didn't mean to do that."

"Get the hell out, Wally!" I said pushing him in chest. He grabs my wrists,

"Arty stop.." my eyes began to burn from the tear starting to form.

"I hate you.." tears began flowing from my eyes, Wally frowned and pulled me into a hug. I payed my head on his chest and sighed, he really does tower over me. He's definitely gotten taller since I last seen him. I looked up at him and studied his face, he had a defined jaw line that I wasn't to surprised about since he's always had one. But he was definitely more chiseled than before. He looked down at me with his bright green eyes. He cupped my face and dove in for a kiss. I know I should have pulled away right then and there, but I couldn't.

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