They both turned to Isa who just shook her head, her throat raw.

"It was Niklaus, I'm sure of it," Rebekah said softly, her own throat sore.

Elijah sucked on his lips. "Then how are they still alive?" he questioned.

Isa then turned and started walking.

"Icy, where are you going?" Rebekah cried.

"To kill the doppelganger," she responded, her voice monotone and drone-like.

Rebekah's eyes widened as she turned to her brother who had a concerned look on his face. "Rebekah, don't -"

But he didn't get to finish his sentence as his sister snapped his neck before he could finish his protests or worse, stop them. She snapped his neck and she followed after her sister. Because tonight, Elena Gilbert was going to die.


Rebekah had called Stefan to taunt him about their new plan, but Isa just stayed standing in the middle of the road, frozen. The roads were dead and empty which she felt was symbolic of how she felt. So, it was easy to feel the tarmac vibrate beneath her feet as the car approached. Her expression didn't change, her position didn't change as she stood, in the very middle of the same damn bridge that Elena had a lot of history with. It was a complete coincidence but it felt unbelievably poetic that the place where she almost died several times would be the place where she would actually die.

And Isa could still hear Elena's screams as Matt's truck swerved and flew over the railing of the Wickery bridge, plunging into the cold water of the river below.

Isa's legs moved on their own as her heeled boots clicked on the road and she moved to stand by the broken railing of the bridge, watching the air bubbles escape from the car as the water closed in on them. As she heard the sound of bubbles popping, nearby, she could also hear the sounds of a grief-stricken Rebekah struggling to stop Stefan who was fighting her to jump in the river and save them. Eventually, when she knew it had been too late, Rebekah let him go and Stefan dived in after them, only to pull out two, very wet, very pale, and very dead bodies.
And as he began panicking over the sight of his dead lover, Isa began walking. In her catatonic state, she began walking back into Mystic Falls, all the way back to the Mikaelson Mansion she'd wait for a husband who would never return home.

But little did she know that in her house, something was waiting for her.


Isa walked into Nik's art room, staring absentmindedly at the paintings on the walls, the drawings on the desks, the paints and charcoals scattered everywhere. Centuries of art, inspiration and love were inside this room. What the hell was she supposed to do with it now?
Her eyes were eventually drawn to a scrolled-up piece of paper, tied with the stem of a purple daffodil, the flower's colour jarring her from her shocked state. She rolled the flower off and opened out the parchment.

I'm ok. I'm coming back for you all.

It was two sentences. But it was two sentences that made Isa crash to her knees, crying again as she knocked a glass bowl full of paint-stained water to the floor.
Her breathing became heavy.

He was alive.

He was alive.

He was alive.

The words repeated in her head like a mantra as each sentence woke her up more and more as her heart began to piece itself back together.

Then Elijah and Rebekah came running into the room, having heard the sound of the glass breaking.

"Isa? Are you alright? We heard a crash," Elijah asked warily as they approached the girl.

"He's alive. He's alive," she repeated in disbelief. They only words she knew in that moment as her hands started shaking, the sound of her voice saying it seeming to cement the fact that he was ok. She handed the scroll over to Elijah who read it. Though, apparently he read too slowly as Rebekah snatched it from his hand.

"How do you know it's him?" she asked.

She held up the purple flower as she stared at the soft petals. Where had he even found it? "When we were human, after I first met him, first saved him, Nik took me to a field of purple daffodils to say thank you. They were our thing. Only he and I knew about it. Purple daffodils. He's alive," she explained.

Rebekah sank to her knees as well, Elijah bringing a hand to his face as he huffed a laugh, happy tears trailing down his face. "Only Niklaus," he laughed.

The girls smiling through their tears as well.

Only Niklaus.

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