19~Toxic Masculinity

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<<<"I'll think about it" Y/N mumbled as she stood up and walked towards the door. But she stopped. She stood there for a second, spun around and then spoke.
"You know what..."

'oh boy' thought her mother and father.>>>

"why?...why do you feel the need to put this stupid ass 'business' before my fucking happiness?! You're always 'doing what's best for the business' and never doing what's best for me or for the family!" Y/N shouted which scared her parents a bit, they'd never really heard her yell like this.
"No mama! I'm sick of this shit! I just want a normal life for once! A life where my dad is never 'too busy' to spend more than 10 minutes with me! A life where I don't have to go somewhere out of this house with someone just in case I might get killed by a rival gang that I'm pretty sure nobody here knows why we're rivals in the first place! Not only that, but my own dad wants me to date somebody he chooses because it's better for him, it's makes his gang stronger! There's too many fucking rules for me to remember and I'm far too fucking stressed for a 21 year old so excuse me if I don't want to listen to your every fucking word!" she screamed. Dana went over to her and put her hand on her daughters shoulder in a way of comfort but Y/N nudged her hand off and stormed up to her room.

As she was just laying on top of her bed, she heard a knock on her door. She didn't move or say anything so they just let themselves in.
"hey, hope you're okay..." said a voice she's heard very few times.
"been better" she mumbled as she let her head drop to the side to look at the door. The tall man walked over and sat on the edge of her bed
"I heard your argument with your parents" he said to her as she sat up
"I wouldn't really call that an argument Schlatt, I'd call it me screaming at my parents"
"Yeh, that's pretty much what it sounded like" he said with a chuckle
"and clearly they don't care that much because they would have came to check on me, like you did"
"they do care, they definitely do, and honestly, you're really fucking brave to shout at them like that, I'd be too scared to shout at my parents like that, let alone yours, your parents are literally leaders of a mafia gang unlike my parents"
"really? But, you were a boss before you joined us"
"Yeh, but if there's one person who scares the shit out of a mob boss, it's their mom" he chuckled again which made Y/N laugh along with him
"look, babe," she smiled at the nickname as he carried on talking
"I know you probably don't want the hear about this right now but, whatever they said that made you go off, I'm sure they did it for your benefit in some way. I know they probably just talked about 'to better the business' but they love you and they wouldn't ask you to do something if it didn't benefit you in anyway" he said to her which made her look down at her hands
"Yeh I guess, it's just hard, since I was a baby, this business is all I've know and I'm just tired of it"
"I'm not surprised, I grew up with a normal life but I got draw into this by accident and now I'm trapped. But hey, maybe it won't be as bad now that I'm in with you" he said which made her blush and smile. (it's not just Swagger who's the simp now, so is Schlatt so say it with me {especially you Morris_Arts} fucking simppppp) She looked back up at him and said
"that's so cheesy"
"yep, but it made you smile" he said. She then leaned in to give him a hug and he returned it by wrapping his arms around her.
"Thank you for this"
"Don't get soft on me now you dumb broad!" Schlatt joked as he pulled away from the hug at the same time as Y/N
"Too much emotion for one day, huh?" she asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow
"Yup! I'm the most masculine man you'll ever meet! I hate emotions!" he joked as he stood up
"and that, good sir," she started as she scooted her self to the edge of the bed and then stood up as well and then she continued
"is called, toxic masculinity" she laughed as she tipped his cap down to make him look like Manny from Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs (as shows above).
"seriously though, thank you" she said to him again in a soft tone, he just smiled and then spoke
"maybe my masculinity won't be damaged by one more hug" this made Y/N laugh and lean in for another hug. This time, the hug lasted longer and meant a lot more. The two were completely unaware of Robert and Dana who were stood at the door, watching and listening as this new relationship had unfolded.

Depp Household
Gaege's Mancave

"What's up?" Narrator asked as he hopped on the seat next to a slumped down Gaege.
"I'm not allowed to see Y/N anymore. I don't know why, Swagger just came and told me that we need to stop this 'thing' we have going on"
"Maybe her parents nearly found out about you two"
"but what if that's not it, what if it's something I've done"
"Gaege, you've done everything you can do, I'm pretty sure it's not anything you've done, I've see the way you look at each other, and if it is something you've done then she's a fool to let you go" Gaege just nodded his head once and continued to stare at the TV.
"Come one Gaege, I'm sure this will all blow over soon, you'll see her sooner than you think."
"how do you know that though? What if something bad happens to her or me?"
"well I don't, but you've gotta be optimistic about stuff like this"
"Yeh, I guess" Gaege said
"Boys, I've made y'all some cookies, come give them a try" Geena said as she peeked her head into the room. A huge smile appeared on his face as if he had forgotten about his problems. He jumped up and went to the kitchen to have a few cookies. Narrator just shook him head and chuckles, and then he promised himself that he'll keep his bestfriend happy.

Another upload already?! Who am I? Have I been abducted? I'm I the same Molly who started this book? You'll never know ;) lmao. Uhh, anyways, the first chapter of the new Christmas book will be up tomorrow, I'm not sure what time but just watch out for that. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know a lot of you have missed this book, so have I. Love y'all! Byee 💕

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