29~ A Glass Of Wine

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please be sure to read the
A/N at the end <3

"you good?" Gaege asked, causing Y/N to slightly jump. Her head spun around and she looked at him. She just smiled at him as he sat up and smiled back.
"I'm gonna go use the shower, make sure you stay in here" Gaege said, Y/N nodded and watched and Gaege kicked his clothes that were on the floor. As soon as she heard the shower start, she stood up and put her clothes on as fast as she could. She slipped on her shoes and sighed.
"alright..." she spoke quietly to herself.

She was stood at the front door. She hadn't left yet, she was waiting for chaos to ensue.
"Y/N, why are you still stood here, what if my dad sees you!" Gaege whisper-shouted. Y/N just spun around so her back was now facing the door. And as if on cue, a sickening scream echoed all through the house
"OH MY FUCKING GOD! GAEGE! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Geena yelled, Gaege's eyes grew wide, not knowing what on earth was going on. Y/N grew a huge smile on her face as she saw the man she once loved run towards something that would ruin his life.

She eventually left the house and just as planned, Swagger was waiting in his car around the corner for her.
"Did you do it"
"I did it"

Johnny walked into his office and sighed. He sat down and rested his head in his hand as he carried on with his paper work. His office door slowly swung closed to reveal Y/N behind it.
"huh?- what the hell are you doing in my house?" he almost shouted, Y/N breathed out a laugh
"you and I both know the answer to that"
"if you're in this office because of Gaege-" Johnny started talking as he stood up and Y/N looked away
"hey! look at me when I'm talking to you" She turned her head and made direct eye contact with him with a smirk on her face.
"why are you smiling"
"I'm not in this office because of Gaege, I mean, I'm in the house because of him but not your office. I'm in your office... well, because of you" she spoke with mischief in her voice as she slowly inched closer to him
"huh?" Johnny questioned with pure confusion in his voice
"what could you possibly want from me?" he asked, she just chuckled and spoke.
"your life"
and with that, Johnny fell to the floor. He looked up at the woman to see glock 17, with a silencer on the end, in her hand. She stood over him as he coughed. Some blood slowly started to come out of his mouth and drip down the side of his face. A pool of blood started to spread around Johnny's body.
"I didn't really want to do this to you, but I had to, you left me no choice. Gaege killed my dad, so I'm killing his." she said and then crouched down next to him
"I'm only staying so you're not alone, I'm not a complete monster, yeh, I might have shot you but, nobody deserves to die alone... even Ted Bundy had people there when he died." she told him as she sat down in a place where there was no blood.
"now, I have a question... do you know why are families are at war?" she asked
"honestly? no. I always kinda liked you guys, but I had to hate you because I was told to" Johnny said hoarsely. Y/N just nodded and looked away.
"if I see your dad up there, I'll tell him you did this, I'm sure he'll be proud"
"up there?"
"yeh, heaven"
"no I knew where you was talking about, it was just bold of you to assume you're going up there"
"jeez kick a man while he's down" he said to which they shared a laugh.
"to be completely honest, your house is nicer than mine... except you don't have a wine cellar" she told him.
"yeh, you have us beat in that department" he chuckled and sighed, which turned into a cough
"if anyone can fix our feud, it'll be you and Gaege... look after each other" Johnny said before he finally took his last breath. Y/N's smile slowly faded as she saw it. She just sat there for a second and then put her hand on the floor to help herself stand up.
"seriously?!" she groaned as she looked at her hand that was covered in a crimson red liquid. She wiped it off on her black jeans and then sat in Johnny's office chair to write something for Gaege.
~~~End Of Flashback~~~

Gaege POV
(not got one of those in a while)

"That fucking bi-...huh?" Gaege thought to himself as he saw his dad on the floor, knowing exactly who did it. He saw a piece of paper on the desk with his name on. He turned it over and it read

'An eye for an eye,
A tooth for a tooth,
A life for a life...

okay, I know that's not the actual quote. But, I wanted to get my point across.
I know what you did to my dad.
and it was only a matter of time before karma took her toll, I just thought I'd help her out. The short amount of time I got to speak to Johnny before he passed was nice, he seemed like a real cool guy. Also, I can see where you got your looks from.

If you go to the police, I'll retaliate. They'll be sure to believe the frantic young daughter of a trusted companion.

I look forward to any future business with you, Boss'

x=x=x=Time skip=x=x=x
2 years later
(I'm sorry, y'all know how I feel about these 🤢)


"He's here, Boss" Swagger said as he stook his head through the doors to her new office in her new house.
"what have I told you about calling me Boss?! stop, it just feels weird" she said as she put their pen down
"alright, sorry Bo-sorry Y/N" he said, stopping himself from saying 'Boss' again as he saw Y/N giving him a look.
"alright, send him in" she said as she gestured for him to come in. She leaned back in her seat and put her papers in a neat pile.

As he walked in, the two made intense eye contact, not breaking their poker faces. When he sat down, they just stared at each other for a few seconds before Y/N looked at Mully, who had guided him in, and spoke
"that'll be all, thanks" when the door closed, she looked straight back at him. They didn't speak for a while until Gaege broke the silence.
"rule number one, to be the bigger person in the room, never make the first move or say the first word, you are now intimidated by me and I am already in your head" Y/N spoke with a serious voice. They just looked at each other and started laughing, knowing she was obviously joking.
"how've you been?" she asked with a smile on her face
"not too bad, and you?"
"I've been good, how come you're here? you usually send one of your men"
"That's only when it's a meeting with your men, I would never pass up the opportunity to have a meeting with my favourite enemy" he said which just made her smirk. She turned her head to the right to look out of her window.
"well, I'm m-"
"more of a whisky guy, I know, but I don't have whisky"
"sure, I'll have some wine" he said as he watched her stand up and go to the small wine rack in her office.

She put the glasses on the desk and smirked. As she went to put the bottle back, Gaege quickly swapped their glasses, knowing what she did. She sat back down and held up her glass, which Gaege copied and they both took a sip.
"eww what?!"
"I swapped the glasses, why is-"
"I told you, I'm in your head, I knew you was gonna swap them" Y/N laughed as she took another sip
"I can't believe you got me to drink more 74" Gaege laughed, as he sounded defeated, Y/N then leaned down under her desk.
"here" she said as she placed an unopened bottle of Jack Daniels on the desk.

"pleasure doing business with you, Black Rose"
"back at you, Blood Tears"
Y/N closed the door but got frightened as soon as she saw Swagger stood behind her.
"jesus! Swagger, don't sneak up on me like that!"
"was business a euphemism for sex?" she just looked at him with a straight face, in a way of saying 'no, stfu'. Swagger just put his hands up in defence and started to back away. Y/N clicked her fingers, held her hand out and said
"Get me A Glass Of Wine"

GUYSSS!! OMG, okay, so this is the end of this book! BUT DON'T WORRY! I definitely plan on writing a second book at some point in the future!-I just want to get my other books under control first and then the next book will definitely get started. I wanted to thank you all for sticking alone for the ride, this book wouldn't be what it is without your guys support, I can't express my gratitude for y'all, I love each and every one of you so much! 😘😘

also, I hated killing Johnny Depp 😭

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