a favor

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After receiving her new weapon Ais started training with her new weapon till dinner time. Archer: "so Ais what do you think of the weapon I made you?" Ais: "it's amazing! it's better than the one that I had before!" She said thinking of her old weapon Desperate. She couldn't wait to use it in battle.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The one who got up to see who it was was Hestia. Hestia open the door . Hestia: "Hephaestus what are you doing here?" There at the door stood Hephaestus along with a young red haired man with a blue scarf. Hephaestus: "hello Hestia I don't mean to be rude by saying this but I wanted to collect in on all that debt you owe me." Hestia thought to herself about all the time she had stayed with Hephaestus once she arrived in orario. With nowhere to go she turned to Hephaestus one of her only friends from heaven for help. Hephaestus had agreed to help her till she had started her own Familia. However Hestia became lazy and had spent months of slacking off until finally Hephaestus had kicked her out.

Hestia: "if it's money you want I'd be happy to give it to you. I'm sure I can pay it off." Hephaestus: "thank you but that's not what I want. In exchange for me helping you out. I want you to take this young man here into your Familia. His name is Welf Crozzo and I would appreciate it if you would put him in your Familia." Hestia: "why would you want that?" Hestia asked wondering why she would want such a thing. Hephaestus: "during the war game with Loki Familia there were weapons raining down from the sky. Those weapons were the most impressive works I have ever seen! Who made them by the way?" She asked curiously wondering who had that kind of talent that they might rival her own skills as a Smith. Archer: "that would be me." He said coming from the dining room. Archer: "hello my name is Archer nice to meet you." He said with a stern look on his face. Hephaestus: "so you're the man who created all those blades that where in the air and rained down on Loki Familia." She said looking at him in amazement. Hephaestus: "tell me where those weapons made by Magic or by your own hands?" She asked curiously wanting to know if he was a real Smith or a mage who's Magic appeared in the form of weapons. Archer: "the weapons are real I assure you. The magic I used however only works if I have the weapons necessary to use. Think of it in this way. the weapons are the arrows in a quiver and the spell is the bow. Without the weapons the spell is useless. I only shoot down weapons that I deem are incomplete." Hephaestus looked puzzled. Hephaestus: "oh? And what makes them incomplete? They seem quite remarkable to me." She said remembering all those weapons she saw that day. Archer: "they were made without a master in mind. You can make as many weapons similar to the rest or just to sell. I however prefer not to call these weapon instead I prefer to call them tools made to kill. One forged with a person in mind has a stronger Bond with its wielder. However if a person needs a weapon and hasn't placed an order yet I will give them a mundane weapon to use for the time being tell their custom order is finished." Hephaestus nodded her head. Hephaestus: "I see. Well then do you have a custom weapon that I may take a look at?" She asked wondering what a complete weapon looked like to him. Archer: "of course in fact I just finished one earlier today. Ais could you bring your new sword here please! Ais came in still eating a roll. Ais: "wha ish it? wha do you need?" She said with her mouth full. Archer: "your sword could you give it to Lady Hephaestus please." Ais handed over her weapon that was strapped to her side. Hephaestus unsheathed the weapon and was amazed beyond words. The young man behind her came up and took a look as well. He a man who came from a long line of Smith's could tell that this weapon goes beyond any skilled Smiths understanding. The weapon was so flawless that it could be said that it was born into this world rather than made." Hephaestus: "so Welf do you still have any doubt of wanting to join?" Welf slowly shook his head. Welf: "I don't think I can. He said still in shock." Hephaestus then it's settled. You shall stay for at least a year. Try to learn as much as you can and don't slack off. She said to him like a parent dropping off their kid at school. Hephaestus: "Goodbye for now. She said walking out the door. Hestia: "okay let's get you converted." She brought him up to her room and had him lie down on his belly. She lifted up his shirt exposing his back and begin the ritual.

Welf crozzo

Str:C (617)
End:D (521)
Dex:C (645)
Agi:D (509)
Mag:I (70)

  Crozzo blood
The user can create magic swords. Can raise the power of Magic Swords during creation

Anti magic fire. If timed correctly it can cause an ignis fattuus  and and causedamage.

Hestia: "that should do it." She said finishing the conversion.. Hestia: "Now then let me go take you to your room." Hestia led him downstairs towards an empty room. On their way he saw a door slightly opened to a large room. In it he saw weapons of all kind displayed on shelves, the walls, and glass cases. Welf: "are those... the Loki Familia's weapons? I thought it was a rumor that their weapons were taken but I didn't expected it to be true." Hestia: "yeah, Ban wanted a trophy room so he asked that one of the prizes be all the weapons that Loki Familia possessed." Welf could only imagine the anguish Loki Familia had to endure by giving up all their treasured weapons. Hestia: "well here's your room. It's getting late. you should go to bed. You'll meet the rest of the Familia tomorrow." Welf did as he was told wondering what tomorrow would bring.

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