the meeting of the Gods at Babel

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During the second day of them being at the dungeon. Hestia was at a meeting with the Gods in Bible discussing the war game. All the gods weren't expecting Loki to go to a war game with Hestia. Even though they never get along starting fights with each other about chest size or they're height. But this was something different. something big. seeing as it had a war game involved it must have been. All the gods were talking amongst themselves excited for what was going to happen and how it was going to go down. Loki: "alright everyone listen up! Today is the day we discuss Hestia leaving orario!" She said with a grin. believing that she had already won the war game in her head. Hestia: "shut it Loki! the war game hasn't even started yet! don't get so cocky. you don't know what my familia is capable of!" She shouted back. Loki: "you mean those people that just signed up in your Familia?" Hestia: "you mean those people that easily beat up your members in the bar?" Hestia said with a smile on her face. Loki flinched thinking of how one man easily defeated one of her high-ranking member with ease as well as another who took out Gareth as well as mocking him in public. Loki: "those two may be strong enough to take down our high class members one-on-one, but do you think they can take down my entire Familia at the same time all together?" She said thinking in quantity as well as quality was on her side. Hestia: "there's no doubt in my mind."

Loki: "well then let's tell everyone here what's at stake shall we? If I win I get all of Hestia's members and because she no longer has a Familia she will have to leave orario." Hestia: "and if I win I will get all of Loki's money, her Familia members weapons, and one of her members.

All of the gods were confused at Hestia's request she could have asked for everything Loki owned but decided not to. Hermes: "why just that? why not ask for everything she possesses?" He spoke up. This question was on everyone's mind. Hestia gave her response. Hestia: "my familia members talked it over amongst themselves saying that it would be a burden on the city if her familia where to Disappear Completely. taking her money and weapons as well as a member will also cripple Her Familia. She said giving her explanation. Hestia as for the weapons one of my members wanted a Trophy Room but it would also benefit for the cause of crippling her Familia if you ask me. Hermes: "I see." Hestia: "now that we got that out of the way let's talk how the war game will transpire. I honestly don't care how it goes down I have faith in my familia that they will win. so you can decide if you want Loki." Loki: "alright then how about a Siege War if you can take out our team captain you win if we take out yours we win how's that?" Hestia: "fine with me." With everything settled The Guild made preparations for the war game to begin later on.

Back at home everyone was relaxing in their rooms except for soul who was walking around the house in frustration. Soul: "damn it! why why why! why! why!" He shouted to himself Bell: "ques Hey soul can you keep it down what's wrong with you anyway?" He said tired of hearing soul yelling in the halls. Soul: why the hell is my status weaker than everyone else's? Seriously I would have at least expected my status to be bigger than the twins?!" Bell you and I both know that there is a good explanation for that especially in our family." Soul sighed. Soul yeah I know I'll stop complaining now. He said knowing what truly makes each family members growth so special.

Hestia came back that night later on from the meeting. Bell: "so how did it go?" Hestia: "nothing much happened really. we just talked about the same stuff we talked about here. by the way the Loki Familia wants a Siege War all we have to do is take down their captain. Bell laughed. Bell: "Do you honestly think my family would be satisfied with just that!? I'm pretty sure they'll go all out taking out every member before they even go near the captain." Hestia groand. Hestia: "why does your family have to be so difficult." she said with her head lowered. Ban: "dinner is ready!" But with that being said. any stress Hestia had from what Bell said was gone as she left running straight towards the dining room.

Meanwhile at Loki Familia Loki was drinking Soma wine . Celebrating early believing that there was no doubt that her Familia would win and would have new members under her that would greatly increase her Familia reputation.

Finn called the other leaders of Loki Familia into a meeting room. In there was Riveria, Gareth, Ais, the Amazon twins, and Bete as well as Lefiya. Finn: "from what Loki told me the war game will be a Siege War where we will be defending a castle and which they will try to conquer to try to get to the  captain and defeat them." Tione: as if anyone could defeat you captain." She said with a smug look on her face. Finn: "now hold on. the rules don't specify that the captain has to be the leader of the Familia. Meaning anyone in this Familia can be the captain. Riveria: "so you're saying that you're going to make yourself a decoy?" Finn: "In a way yes. With this loophole I'm sure we can pull this off with ease. Despite the fact that we are already the strongest familia in orario. With the strongest adventurous to boot." He said with confidence.
Finn: "They may be able to take us one on one but I doubt they can take us as a whole." Finn  said reassuringly. Bete: "so what unlucky weakling is going to be the captain?" He said knowing that it would have to be someone week that they would ignore on site. Finn: "Raul and he won't be fighting or be seen at all. We'll keep him hidden in the castle in a secret room till the war game is over." And with that being said the meeting was over.

Ais couldn't wait for the war game to begin. When they win this she can finally get the answers she wants.

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