dungeon crawling

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The next day everyone got suited up and headed straight towards the dungeon in the afternoon. But before that Bell had given soul a special grimoire. Bell: "i understand that you have trouble wielding a weapon so I created a special grimoire that will help with that." he said handing over the grimoire. Soul: "what makes it so special?" Bell: "It gives the person the ability to shape their body any way they see fit. It also allows you to turn your body into a strong substance.

While in the dungeon the parents allow the kids to do most of the fighting for the time being. Once set up at the 18th floor they started to head a little further down. On the 24th floor before they hit the water capital. They heed towards a room to set up a teleportation Circle that would lead straight back to their home. Bell: "all right everyone go to Hestia get a status update come right back." This process was done every time they decided to take a break. However they stayed in the dungeon when they decided to rest. When in the water capital Hajime took care of the harpies and sirens along with the iguacu flying in the air shooting them down immediately. while Ban attacked mermaids merman and some blue crabs that tryed to attack him. Bell and the others followed along doing what they could try to keep up with their parents. The mothers Elaine and Yue stayed out of the fight for later use of their Magic. During their fights in the water Capital no one was surprised that the mermaids had no effect on them due to listening to souls music throughout their lives. Soul was still practicing with his magic that Bell had given him with the grimoire turning his body into a strong metal that he could forum his body into whatever shape he desired. So far he's been solidifying his entire body and going into hand-to-hand combat bashing in his enemies. Bell: " is that all you're doing soul? come on I gave you that grimoire for a reason! don't just waste it on hardening your body! use its full potential! Soul: "All right I'll think of something!" Soul then starts thinking of ways to fully use his powers he then uses it to turn his left arm into a large Mallet and his right into a long scythe. Soul: "happy now!" He said well bashing a blue crab and slicing a merman in half. Bell smiled at him proud of his work on the grimoire. Bell: "yes very! They all rested when they got to the 27th floor finally getting their last status for the time being. With all the fighting being done illya and Kuro acted as supporters retrieving all their items. Seeing as they were not strong enough to fight yet in the water capital.

They went back home and cashed in all their items. They rested up and went back the next day going even further down onto the 30th floor. They stopped in a room where Archer summoned large spikes and started to hammer them into the walls to make sure no monsters would appear as well as carving through the walls as well.  Just so they could rest.
Ban: "Hey Soul sing us a song! Soul: "no. "Elaine: "please Soul we're all exhausted we could use a little pick-me-up!" Soul: "alright fine he said only doing it because his mother asked.

He began to sing a song that he thought was appropriate for them being in the dungeon as adventurers.

Everyone couldn't help but feel at ease once hearing this. knowing that it made it sound like he was singing for their safe return. Hajime: you guys can go back to the surface I'm heading down to the 37th floor. I hear there's a dungeon arena there were monsters continuously spawn I'm heading there to train my endurance as well as continuously spar with as many of them as I can I'll be back later on tomorrow. He said with a stern look on his face Ban: "I'll be going down there as well there's some floor bosses down there that I want to beat." Hajime: "you just want their drop items." Ban: "so what if I do?" Hajime just shook his head in annoyance. Hajime: "just do whatever you want." He said as he went to go further down. The rest of the family including Bell went back to the surface going to eat at the pub then head back home.

(Sorry for this chapter being so short. as for the song I heard it on the video game 'Days gone' and thought it would be really good for danmachi while adventurers travel through the dungeon.)

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