converting to a new Familia

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Everyone was surprised at how fast the war game had ended. They expected that the fight would drag on a bit longer due to the amount of members in Loki Familia as well as them having some of the most powerful members in orario. In Babel Tower Loki was trembling. All her assets were gone as well as her members weapons and  worst of all she was about to lose a member of her Familia. Once all the members were recovered all of their weapons were turned in as promised. Now what was left to do is to decide what member will be leaving the Familia. Loki: "I can't believe we lost and now What's worst is that we have to decide who will be leaving our Familia!" Finn: "we're also not allowed to force anyone to leave. It has to be their choice." This conversation was among the three captains along with Loki in the meeting room. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ais just came in. Ais: "sorry but I just overheard you talking about who would be leaving the Familia to join the Hestia Familia. I want to go." Everyone looked shocked. Loki: "but why!?" Ais: "I still haven't found my answer about how to get stronger if they're not willing to tell me I might as well try to learn by being with them." Riveria knew how important this was to Ais. Riveria: "are you sure? there's no coming back." Ais: "yes." Riveria: "then it's settled." Loki: "what!!" Finn: "are you serious!!" Gareth: "yer Joking right?!" Riveria: "this is Ais's choice." Loki: "but still. She's one of our strongest we can't just let her go like that!" Riveria: "the rules state that we can't force anyone to leave nor can we force anyone to stay either. It has to be their choice. It was one of the luxuries given to us." She said sadly. Loki: "more like a slap to the face." she muttered. Loki: "leaving us to decide who will go or who will stay. It's basically torture on us." Sadly after this meeting came to a conclusion that Ais was leaving. The news spread around the entire Familia home leaving everyone in shock. Even more so that it was her decision. Ais packed her belongings and was ready to head out before she could be confronted by any of the other members.

Later that evening around the same time. Ban was mounting all the "trophies " on the wall. Sorting them all from bows, swords, daggers, knives, staff's and so on. They were put on walls and in display cases. Ban:  "aaaand done!!" He said proudly looking around the room. At dinner they were speaking wondering who was going to come and be a part of their familia per request of their reward. Hestia: "I wonder who it's going to be?" Bell: "my guess is on that blond elf girl who keeps asking about how to get stronger." Soul want a bet? He said with his eyebrow raised. Bell: "all right then 5,000 valis says it's her and whoever else is yours. Deal?" Soul: "Deal!" Bell: "then it's settled. I guess we'll just have to wait and see who comes." As soon as he said that there was a knock on the door. Yue went to answer it. Yue: "hello? Ais "hi. I'm the  one that's  transfering to  your Familia." Yue turns around  and shouts.  yue: "Bell!  yon  won the  bet!" After hearing  that  Ais  could  hear  two people from the dining room. Bell:  "Ha! Yes! I win!" Soul: "Nooooo!" Yue: "come  in." Ais  did so bringing  her luggage in   behind  her. Yue: have you  had  anything  to  eat?" Ais:  "um? no not  yet." Yue  motions to her to  come to the  dining room. There she  sees  every  one sitting  at the table. she  takes  a seat  next to the  twins. Yue: "Ban could you make  her something  to  eat?" Ban: "sure thing." He said as he headed towards the  kitchen. Ais  sat there awkwardly in silence until  Ban came back  with  her food. Ais: "um thanks." Bell decided to break the ice. Bell: "so Ais what is it with this Obsession of getting stronger?" He said with all the  family members  knowing  why  she  was  here. Ais gave them an honest answer. Ais: "I want to get stronger to take down the one  eyed black  dragon." As soon as she said that Hajime began to choke on his food and Ban began to laugh. Ais: "what's so funny?" Ban: "oh nothing. it's just that eye patch over here already took care of that." He said gesturing towards Hajime. Hajime  had his  head down unable  to look  the  girl  in the face. Ais was wide  eyed. Ais:  "your joking. right?" She  said  in a shakey voice. Hajime  got up and used his storage Magic and pulled  a large  black  scale that eminated fear to show proof of his accomplishment. Ais dumbfounded asked. Ais: "how!?" Hajime: "I'm an alchemist and as such we try to study and craft to get a better understanding of the world and help create ways to improve living. I created very powerful weapons in order to kill it. Though I already had those weapons on hand so I didn't really exactly make them to kill it in the first place. to me it was really a hobby making those weapons. As for my reason for killing that dragon was just to get the drop items that it left for my studies. Ais couldn't believe what she heard. The reason that she wanted to kill the dragon was for Revenge whereas this man sitting before her just killed it for the sake of his Hobby. Ais: "I spent my years as an adventurer working hard to get stronger in order just to kill that thing that killed my parents!! And I find out right now that you just killed it just for your little Hobby!?" She yelled Hajime: "um sorry?" Ais stormed out of the room in frustration. All of her efforts have gone to waste. Her desire for finding the secret to getting stronger had vanished. Elaine whispered into Souls ear and nodded in agreement to what his mother told him to do. Elaine followed Ais whereas soul headed to a piano in the living room. Elaine had told soul to play some soothing music that would calm her down. While Soul was doing so Elaine went over to Ais to comfort her. Thanks to souls music she was now in a slight depressed manner instead of angry frustration. Elaine: "I understand why you wanted to kill that dragon it took someone precious from you didn't it?" Ais: "it killed my parents. I wanted to be the one to take it down. My whole life as an adventurer was spent just to get strong enough to face that monster, but to find out that it was killed for something as ridiculous as for one's Hobby is what frustrates me the most." Elaine: "what were your parents names?" Ais: "my father's name was Albert and my mother's name is Aria. My mother was a spirit." Elaine: "so that's why you look so familiar I knew your mother when she was a little kid. You look just like her." Ais opened her eyes wide. Ais: "you knew my mom?" Elaine: "of course! I helped raised her by teaching her magic as well as other things. I'm a spirit / fairy." Ais couldn't believe it she found someone who was just like her mom. Ais: "can you tell me stories about my mom?" Elaine: "of course but right now go back and finish your food. I'll tell you about her tomorrow." Ais went and did so completely forgetting about the black dragon. She later found a room for herself and made herself at home.

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