Chapter 9

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*~Eddie's POV~*

Today has be okay so far. Josh is doing okay, just not moving or lifting things with his hurt arm. Grant at this point is the only one who knows of what I saw in my dream. He told me that if I sees anyone of us hurt again in my dream, I should go check on them. I agreed but I pray I don't. Gaege comes down the stairs after about an hours rest. He sits down next to Josh on the sofa.

"You okay?" He asked. Josh smiled.

"I've been better. How about you?" Josh asked. Gaege also smiled.

"Like you said, been better." He replied. Mullen was next to Josh the whole time. He's been reading up on this game and had found little to nothing about what to do about all this. I rub my eyes gently and sigh. Gaege looks over at me.

"You doing okay over there?" He asked, Josh also turned around to look at me. I walk over to them and sit on the floor leaning on the sofa.

"Yeah, just tired." I said.

"Why don't you take a nap or something. You've been kind of upset and stressed about all this. I don't blame you but out of all of us you need it the most." Josh said. Mully looks up from his phone.

"Yea, I agree with Josh there. Lack of sleep is really not good for your mental health." He said. I sigh.

"Aye, I said I'm fine, fools." I snapped. At that moment Grant walks in. 

"He's stressed because he still thinks it's his fault." He said. I whipped around to look at him.

"GRANT!" I yell. Gaege hold his head from the sound, "Sorry" I add. He just puts up his hand.

"It's fine." He said. I slide down the sofa to a no so comfortable position, with my arms crossed. 

"Its' not your fault Eddie. How many more time do we need to tell you." Josh said, leaning down a bit to look at me. He then pats my head and I roll my eyes. Grant walks closer to us and sits on the floor with me.

"Let's just watch some TV. Maybe it'll calm your nerves." He said as he turned on the TV. He put on a family film so it wasn't so bad and it's something we all liked.

~Time Skip~

*~Gaege's POV~*

We were about halfway threw the movie when I started seeing things again. This time however it wasn't that demon thing. No, this one seemed more... clean? It was still a humanoid figure but less disturbing from the last one I've been seeing. This one had eyes as blue as the sky with white fluffy hair. Their clothing was immaculate. I stared at them for a while. Half scared and amazed.

"Don't be alarmed. I'm just here to tell you something." It said, "No need to speak out loud. I can hear you thoughts just fine." It added. My eyes widened a bit.

(Gaege's Thoughts)

"What do you want." I asked.

"I'm just here to tell you that I can help you stop all this pain." It said again. At this point Josh saw I was not looking at the TV and now the corner of the room. He gently kicked Eddie and the side eyed me. Eddie got the picture and got up to the kitchen for my meds, "I don't have long now." It added.

"Quick tell me then." I demanded.

"There is too much to say. What I can do is take you out of your nightmare tonight." It said. Eddie came back with my meds.

"Can't you take out my friends too?" I asked. It shook its head.

"I'm sorry he'll get too suspicious." It told me.

"He? Who's he?" I asked. Before I could ask more Eddie gave me my meds and a drink. I looked over at the thing one more time.

"See you tonight Gaege." It said. I finally took my meds. I looked over in the corner.... and it was gone.

"You okay buddy?" Mully asked. I looked over at the boys. We stayed quiet for a minute. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said, "I'm fine." Grant looks up at the time.

"It's getting late now." Grant said. Josh sighed.

"It's just another night." He said. Eddie patted his back.

"See you all in the morning., fools." Eddie said as Grant, Eddie and I left and went upstairs. We all headed to bed now. As I was laying down however, all I could think about was the thing I saw. I pray that it can help us end this nightmare.

~End Of Chapter 9~

Word Count: 750

Hope you enjoyed this chapter let me know what you guys think of it. Im trying not to drag out moments but hhhhhhh. That all for now. Bai <3

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