Chapter 14

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*~Grant's POV~*

It's been a few days since we got this 'hint'. We didn't fully understand it. Well, one bit of it. We know that if we take to long we'll... well..... die. We've all been getting a little stressed out because we can figure out what it meant by 'where it started'. We tried reloading the game but nothing changed from when we got the riddle. I sighed as I moved my hair from my face. Gabby walked in with some tea in her hands and gave one to me and one to Gaege. Josh was half asleep while Mully was next to him talking to Eddie, who was sitting on the floor.

"Anything new about this whole thing yet?" Gabby asked.

"No, nothing yet." Mully said.

"I would say sleep one it but we all know how that will turn out." She half joked. I looked over at the time. 10:13 pm. 

"Speaking of sleep, we all better get some." I said. Mully and Eddie just nodded.

Mully then shook Josh awake to let him know that we're all going to bed. After a few minutes, we all said our goodnights and headed off to our rooms. I sat on my bed for a bit and sighed. 'Another night down, one day closer.' I thought to myself. I sat back on the bed and pulled the quilts over me, very quickly falling asleep.

~In Nightmare (Short)~

I looked around to find myself in a forest. Just ahead of me was a building of some sort. I was about to turn from it until I noticed 'it' chasing me. I turn and ran to the building. That when I noticed the sigh on it. 'Fiend Laboratory'? I ran in hoping it wasn't the building from the nightmares. But I was wrong. From this inside it looked like a asylum but it was really a laboratory. A laboratory for what though. As I thought that the beast behind me let out a loud scream as my ears started to ring badly. I looked down at my hands to see.... blood? The world fell apart around me as I was suddenly falling in a void. I felt a pressure on my back when suddenly... I woke up.

~End Of Nightmare~

I got up from my bed and walked out the the kitchen. As I was doing so I was greeted by Gaege. He was leaning on the wall, holding his head. I patted his back as he spun around in fear.

"Woah calm down, Its just me." I told him. He sighed.

"Sorry, my head is just killing me and I cant see straight." He muttered, his voice slightly shaky.

"Lets go get you some coffee and pain meds, okay?" He nodded as I helped him walk down the stairs without falling. Soon enough everyone came downstairs. All of them seemed a bit shaking from last nights nightmare. Gabby walking to the kitchen with me to help serve some coffee for everyone, Including pain meds for Gaege and Josh too. Once everyone has got the coffee I remembered that name.

"Boys?" I said. They looked at me, "" I think what Gabby said worked. You know sleeping on it. Because I think I might have an idea of what we need to do." I added.

"What is it?" Gabby asked. I pulled out my phone and went on google.

"Last night when we were asleep i manage to see the name of the building we were in." I said as I typed it into google, "It's called Fiend Laboratory, it says here that this laboratory was shut down years ago due to the experiments and tests that went on there. One doctor intertitular had a very sick mind and wanted to test how far a human can lasted. When the building shut down the doctor went missing. People called him Doctor Fiend, hence the name of the lab." I stated. We all stayed silent.

"So what? Is the riddle saying we need to go to that lab? But what will we be looking for?" Mully asked. I shrugged.

"I have no clue. I guess we'll fine out?" I said.

"Is there anymore on the lab?" Josh asked. I scrolled down and shook my head.

"The only other thing here is a picture of the doctor." I showed everyone the picture of him. He had a very slim furfure and his teeth were a little sharper than the normal human. Gaege's eye widened.

"Boys, does he seem rather familiar to.... that demon this chasing us?" He said. On closer inspection, he was right. The game we played was one of his tests....

~End Of Chapter 14~

Word Count: 763

Late update again, sorry. School sucks but most tests are down now so yay XD. The next few chapter will be kinda short but they are gonna be a build up to something which will end up in a big chapter

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