24 | i'm done

523 22 16

-n o a h-

Maybe good things don't last long, ever. From what it's been like till now, they don't seem to, and I don't think they will.

We won our game, that was good I guess. We had been working really hard on that and it's good that Coach's yelling did something for those who weren't paying attention.

But that's where the good stuff ended. After the game, everyone was to head to sway and we'd just throw a party for the win.

Lila and I, on the other hand, were planning to watch a movie, and no matter how much I'd disagree, it would've ended up to be a Rom-Com.

That's how gone I am for her.

But then she had an assignment pop up in the spur of the moment. And if I know one thing about Lila, it's that she doesn't forget anything.

She's a planner. So I knew something was up.

I figured she had good reason to do what she did and if she felt the need to tell me, she would. I trust her.

Don't get me wrong, it's killing me, not knowing what the reason was. But if she doesn't want to share just as yet, she doesn't have to.

She waits for me and I'll wait for her.

But I've waited to see my girl for days now and all I get is: "sorry" or "busy" or "can't talk."

Something's up and I want—need to know.

Being away from her in the past was tough as fuck. But now? When I know what it feels like to have her as mine?

It's way more than tough.

So what have we discovered today? Something is up and my girl is ignoring me. And we can't have that now can we?

I don't bother texting Lila because I already know I'll get an answer like: "sorry can't meet now" like I've been getting for days.

I knock on the door like the pitiful boyfriend I am...for her.

She answers the door and as soon as she sees me, she takes in a breath.

Fuck, I haven't seen her in so long that I start mentally listing reasons of how beautiful she is.

She's about to say something, before I interrupt.

"You're ignoring me." I state.

"I-I.." she stutters, and I feel a spurge of anxiety building up inside of me.

"Why are you ignoring me, Lila?" I sigh.

She only stands there, saying nothing, doing nothing. I don't want that shit though. I need a reaction, an explanation.

Because I'm fucking dying here. And my only way to react is anger. And while I know this is the worst way to deal with this shit, I can't do anything else.

"Well?" I say a bit more rushed. I hadn't seen her in days. I needed to hold her, otherwise I'll go crazy.

"I.." she starts, this time I don't interrupt. I let her finish what she's about to say. She holds the door open and hints for me to come inside, to which I follow.

"I'm sorry I have been...distant." she says and I want to snort. But I don't. Because Lila isn't irrational and she would have a reason for doing this.

"I just—maybe we should talk?" She says. My heart speeds up to a rate immeasurable because no sentence that starts with that, ends on good terms.

A Second Night - N.BeckWhere stories live. Discover now