15 | hold her

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I fucked up. Badly.

Thinking I could get rid of my dad fast, was a mistake. Thinking he would stop competing with me, was a mistake.

Taking my anger out on Lila, was where I fucked up badly.

After breakfast with my dad, he said he wanted to stay here for a while, where he could keep an eye on me. Yeah, like I need a fucking chaperone.

He got a hotel and has been staying there for a little more than a week.

A week since I had my freedom to go to clubs, partying, meet up with Lila.

All I could do was go to classes and football, other than that, my whole day was spend with my dad.

I can't stand seeing the man for lunch, how am I supposed to see him everyday for a week?

Safe to say, it was a fucking horrible week.

Fucking bullshit.

I was angry all the time. To the team, on the field, to her.

To the point where Coach Rhodes said 'I like the aggression, but if you want to pick a fight, not on my field boy.'

So obviously I had to control it. Blake was pissed at me, obviously.

My answers to the boys were rude. To the point where it seemed like they were scared I would lash out on them, that they just leave talks to 'hey' which sucked.

So I had apologizes to hand out.

To the boys, which I already did, Coach, and Lila.

Coach was easy, he just said don't let my anger get the best of me. The boys also forgave me after one interaction with my dad.

Something along the lines of 'jeez, if I had a dad like that, I would act like you did all the time.'

Blake said he didn't need an explanation, because he understood how my dad was, but I still feel like shit for treating him and the others like that.

Taking none of my apologies, he invited me to his and Brynn's movie night which was perfect, because now I could deliver my last apology, to Lila.

I missed Lila. So fucking much. I missed just being around her, missed being able to put my hands on her waist whenever I wanted to.

It was only when I didn't get to see her for a short while, did I realize how much I missed having her in my arms.

Or just to talk to her.

I missed her. Hopefully if she forgives me, I can have more time with her, because like I said, I missed it.

"Where you going?" Bryce asks, entering from his room.

"Oh, Blake and Kelsey are watching a movie at Kelsey's, and Lila always feels like a third wheel, so I usually go there." I say, looking for my keys.

"Oh? Lila?" Bryce's voice comes out teasingly, and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I growl.

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