06 | unwanted feelings

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"Wake up!" Brynn yells, hitting me with a pillow, over and over again. I groan loudly and snatch it from her hand, throwing it away.

"What do you want?" I say in a morning voice much different than my usual one. My eyes are tinted together to avoid the sun that is shooting at me, and I'm leaning my elbows on my bed.

"You need to get up!" She shrieks, excited and I crease my eyebrows, in question.

"Why?" I huff, sticking my head back in my duvet.

"I'm so bored," she drawls out. Really? She woke me up because she is in need of company.

I groan loudly. "Weren't you supposed to be with Blake this morning? What happened to that?" I shift my posture, knowing I'll probably have to get up because of Brynn.

"Coach called an early practise for the team because he's busy or something. Blake had to go," She says along with a pout and I smile.

Too cute. "It's okay, you can hang out with him later," I say, mockingly, and pat her on her head.

"Ugh, you're mean," she says resting on my bed, fully comfortable.

"Yes, please, take all the space on my bed and leave me none," I speak, sarcastically.

"My pleasure," she grins and I take my phone from my bedside. "It's so early, what do you even want to do?" I roll my eyes at her all happy mood.

"I was thinking you can give me some recommendations," she says and I immediately get excited.

When I was younger, I enjoyed reading a bit more than everyone else around me. Okay, not a bit— a lot. I was always found with a book in my hands and growing up, I got more into romances.

They were fun, cute, exciting to read. Because usually, they all have happy endings. The happy endings are fun to read, and since I don't find that happening in the real life, ever, I stick to reading them.

Everyone used to call me a 'nerd' just because I enjoyed reading. Truth be told, I am not a nerd. Brynn on the other hand, was.

She wasn't a big fan of reading, but when we got into high school, we made a bet about a random couple getting together.

Well, she lost, they didn't get together, so I forced her to read the book. Turns out, she really liked it.

The next day, she came to my house to beg me for more suggestions, and now I give her some every now and then.

"See, it is worthy of waking up this early!" She cheers and I nod. "Let me change and brush and all, then we can head to the library.

She nodded and got off of my head, muttering something along the lines of 'I'm going to Starbucks to grab a couple things for us' and I took that as my cue to head to the bathroom.

Once finally ready, she takes the keys to my car and starts driving. Brynn didn't have a car, but chose to drive mine whenever she wanted to.

"So, I read all the old suggestions. I need more," She says as I drink from my Venti cup.

"Honestly, this suggestion might last you a while. Just read all Abbi Glines' books. She is one of my favourite authors." I say.

"Alright, give me some books from her." She says.

Knowing Brynn, I know she enjoys series, so I give her some of my favourites from her.

"Alright we are here! Let's go buy these!" She exclaims, excitedly.

I had all the books at home as well, but Brynn always likes having her own copy, so she can add it to her collection. Something I also like to do so don't really question it.

While she looks for those books, I look for a couple books I had on my 'yet to read' list.

"Excuse me," some random guy says from behind me. I turn to face him. He has a tall built and not too long brown hair.

"Can I help you?" I ask, and he nods, eagerly.

"You seem to be going through this area really well. Please help me." He pleads and I let out a small laugh.

"Uh— I don't work here.. but sure?" It comes out more like a question than a statement, but he sighs in relief. "What do you need?" I ask.

"You see, my younger sister has ordered these books for me, and I really need to find them, I'm running late for something." He says and I laugh at the sheet of paper he hands to me.

There are quite a few books written on it. "Can't your parents order from amazon for her?" I ask, suggesting the much easier and efficient method.

"Yeah.. but.." he hesitates to speak, but I wait. "My sister is only 15. And some of the books have pictures of boys' abs, or a couple kissing. My parents won't order those for her." He says smiling.

I went threw the same thing, I guess. I couldn't really order a book with two people making out and expect my parents to be fine with it. I usually read those online. "So you buy them for her?" I ask, even though it was pretty obvious.

"Yeah, she kind of found a pack of my opened condom box," he runs the back of his neck in a sheepish smile.

I laugh. "I'm sure I can help, I just saw those a couple shelves down." I lead him there and hand the books on the list.

"Thank you so much. She was timing me for how long it took," he nervously laughs.

I really want to meet his sister. "I'm Jackson, by the way," I smile to him. "I'm Lila,"

"Nice to meet you, Lila. Hope to see you around," he says and walks away from me.

When he moves out of the way, I see Brynn, standing there with a large grin. Oh no. I know exactly, what's going to happen.

"No, Brynn. Don't say it," I warn her.

"Oh my god! He's cute! I ship!" She squeals and I bow my head down in surrender.

I swear to god, she does it with everyone I meet.

Now how was I supposed to tell her that I don't see Jackson that way, because I am feeling something so new to me...

For Noah.


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