19 | frat boy

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"What the actual fuck!" Brynn yells and I feel myself growing scared after hearing her curse.

Brynn didn't cuss too often, meaning she was mad, or angry— I didn't know which one.

Everybody seemed unfazed by this. Bryce just nodded his head saying 'We been known, sis.' Which made me laugh to a great extend.

Others just nodded and cheered us on. Brynn, on the other hand, looked angry, and Blake was trying to calm her down.

Was she angry at me? Maybe she was angry at my choice of boy. Which one of the two—I didn't know. But for my and Noah's sake, hopefully it wasn't the latter.

"When did this start?" She questions, and I turn to Noah, wondering if we tell them the truth.

Without hesitation, he speaks. "The night she stayed over." He says.

"The night we told you to keep it in your pants!" She yells at him and I'm glad no one else is here except Brynn, Blake, Noah and I.

"Kelsey, you know I respect the shit out of you, but your in no place to tell me whether or not I can be with her." Noah states, firmly.

Blake groans a bit before getting off of the bed he was sitting on and holds Brynn by her arms. "He's right, baby." Blake says with a sigh.

I could tell it was near impossible for him to go against Brynn, mostly because he also agreed with her. But he stood up for his friend, which I appreciated.

More than anything right now, I can't be mad at Brynn. After Sean, Brynn has always wanted me to move on, but the chances of the next guy I dated to be a player were unknown.

Having her as my best friend all these years confirms the reason she is upset, and to be honest, I didn't blame her.

I just wanted to be able to talk to my best friend about the guy that makes me happy. When he does cheesy stuff like get me flowers or bring me dozens of chocolate boxes like I've told him to, I want to be able to talk about it with Brynn.

Like she did with me when it came to Blake.

"I need to talk to Lila." Brynn says, and I nod.

Noah doesn't make any movement, standing behind me with his hands on my waist. "You should go." I say, with a small laugh, a laugh that was very much faked to lighten up his mood.

I would make this work.

He doesn't seem convinced and just stands there with a look on his face, something I'd imagine as 'you don't think I believe you do you?'

But I lean up and place a gentle kiss on his lips before whispering again, "I need to talk to her alone." And he grunts before pulling away.

"You too." Brynn says to Blake, and Blake groans. As they walked out the door, I heard something along the lines of 'look where standing up for you got me, my girl's mad now' from Blake, before they leave.

When the door closes, I turn to her. "How did it happen?" She asks, breaking the silence.

I clear my throat before continuing, might as well make everything out in the open now. "We slept together that night I spent at Sway, and then he kinda asked to do it again, and a while after that I agreed." I take in a breath before continuing.

"We did that for a while, then something happened, some family issues, and he wasn't in the best mood. Safe to say, he pissed me off with his behaviour and I didn't want to be treated like that."

Brynn nods and I take that as a small reassurance. "So we broke up, well we weren't really a thing, so whatever we had ended, and I started seeing Jackson."

"As for Jackson, he wasn't a replacement for Noah, I really liked his company and I wanted to like him, but I didn't feel that for him." I say.

Brynn nods, then speaks. "And you felt that for Noah?" She asks. I nod. "A week later, he came to me, angry after hearing about me and Jackson, and I told him I couldn't be with him. I got too attached for something that was supposed to be casual. But he said he didn't care, and that he wanted to be with me." I ended off with a smile.

"I'm really happy with him, Brynn." I say. "I want to be able to talk to you about this stuff. Please..just be happy for me." I plead.

She lets out a laugh. "Happy for you? Lila, I'm so proud of you for being able to be in a relationship, I just don't want you to get hurt. And a frat boy isn't all too reassuring." She says with a small smile.

I return her smile. "I think he really likes me." I say a bit shyly.

"It really looks like it." She says, genuinely. "Just..." she trails off hesitantly. "He better not screw up." She says.

"He probably will." I support my boyfriend in the best way possible and she breaks out in a giggle.

"I'm sorry I was a bitch earlier." She says, and I shake my head.

"It's okay, I would've been a bitch too. I'm pretty sure I was a bitch, to Blake." I laugh, she just nods.

"No, I'm really sorry. I just want you to be happy, Lils." I pull her into a hug before the door is opened again.

"See didn't take that long." Blake says as the two of them saunter into the room.

"I'm sorry." Brynn says to Noah, to which he just shrugs off and smiles behind me.

"Look at the bright side, now we hang together. All. The. Time." Blake says to Noah.

"On second thought, this isn't gonna work out Lila." Noah says to me, and Brynn grows angry.

"To early for that kind of joke, Noah. Too early." She says and we all break out in laughter.

Brynn wanted me to be happy.

And with Noah, I was. Happy, that is.


Ayo was good homes. I do be making a chapter sooner...

So how'd u like it?!

Question of the day: what's your favourite flower?

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