09 | execuding ways

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The boys and I took my car and Griff's to practise, so once we all head home together, they plan on ordering some food to help their starving, growling stomachs after that tiring practise Coach Rhodes killed us with.

Me, on the other hand, couldn't be bothered with the concern of food. I just wanted to solve the ache in my body for Lila. Turns out, people are actually busy in college. Shocking, right? Matching our schedules is basically impossible with my football practises and her studying schedule.

From what I've heard via Brynn and Blake, Lila is a law student, who wants to attend Harvard law after graduating from here. And it isn't foreign to anyone that law students have a lot of hours devoted to their studies. Hence, why it is so hard to match a time where the two of us can meet.

Today, she finally had a day off, and I had my practise. Safe to say, I rushed as soon as I could from practise to home, to make sure I can finally get what I had been begging for. I was also very grateful to Coach Rhodes who cut practise early.

"Are you sure? You must be hungry, just stay." Bryce says as he notices me rushing out the door. I shake my head, trying my hardest not to seem eager to get out of here. "Nah, I haven't seen my friend in so long." I feel bad for lying. But Lila didn't want Brynn to know, because Brynn will end up murdering me for sleeping around with her best friend.

Especially after she was quite specific of warning me to stay the 'crap' away from her the night she came to stay here at Sway. And since that was only a couple weeks ago, I'm 110% sure that the feeling she felt then, is still there right now.

Blake looks at me suspiciously at the mention of my friend. And it fucking sucked. I told Blake everything. Between all the Sway boys, Blake was probably the closest one to me. He knew basically all the shit about me, from my annoying ass dad to how I like my burrito. So lying to him made me feel like shit.

But out of all the boys, I couldn't tell him. Yeah, the man was in love, and it was amazing for him. Kelsey makes him real happy. But it isn't a shocker that the man is whipped for her, and would obviously tell her about Lila and I. He would probably also beat me up because he was also quick to warn me to keep my dick away from Kelsey's best friend.

All in all, my dick will probably get chopped off if anyone finds out, ergo this staying a secret.

"Which friend?" Blake asks, glaring at me. I clear my throat. No reason to act suspicious, Noah. I tell myself.

"Michael." I say, mentioning the friend I had from my video designing class. Other than the Sway boys, and other football players on the team, the other people I am friends with are mostly jocks.

Most are from the hockey club-- not team, club. Since UCLA got rid of the hockey team here a very long time ago, they only have a club now. Those boys are pretty chill and our a good group to hang around with. The baseball guys are also cool.

But the basketball guys are a no chill zone. When we end up hanging out with them, they take the time to convince us that basketball is better than football. I saved myself from the argument, not wanting to bring in the sport when we were at a club.

My point being, basketball boys here are uptight as hell and stroked to convince us their sport is better. Which is why we don't want to waste our free time to party on listening to a lecture.

Sports stay in the locker room, beers stay at the club.

Michael, was one of my few friends who wasn't a jock. We did an assignment together for the game designing class, so we just became friends.

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