Chapter 07: Me and only me.

Start from the beginning

The girl walks happily, almost jumping until she reaches...Tin.

Hell, he's here.

I'm about to run away from here not until I realized that he has not noticed me as he is reading a book while sitting in a tree.

I see how the girl says a few words and then extends her letter at Tin, who, on the other hand, is still reading the book without even looking at her.

After a while, he seems to say something that I don't really understood, but is enough for the girl to start crying while running off with her letter still in her hand.

The murmurs of people next to me begin to begin louder.

"He's the Ice King right?"

"Yes, he always does the same."

"So many broken hearts dedicated to a person who is sadly, without one."

Tin always rejected all the women who have approached him, with them all ended up crying, the version of this Tin is very different from the one who hugged me and smiled at me yesterday.

At that moment, Tin looks up and meet my gaze.

Hell, he saw me.

But I'm sure that he is not going to do anything, he does not have to do anything as we really do not have any kind of relationship that unites us.

Seems like my luck was really used up when he gets up with his eyes still fixed on me because I instantly know that he will approach me...

I turn around immediately and get out of the field as fast as I can.

I have run so much that without realizing it, I already arrived around the lake, the same place where the accident occurred.

I look behind me and saw that there is no one around, I think I lost him...

There is a security tape on the wooden path that prohibits us from passing through, I can't help but feel sad that I can't see my friends anymore...but maybe I can get closer to them a little and say goodbye.

I approach the road, passing the tape and floor and check if it is firm enough. I bend down and try to see my friends but they are not there.

I walk a little more towards the tip, I think I see one bobbing his...

"What are you doing?"

Fuck, someone saw me.

"Sorry, I...Tin?"

I thought I had left him behind...

He comes to me in a fury and I am paralyzed...maybe he is going to hit me?

Tin breaks the security tape and passed through it then lifted my body, almost as if I weigh nothing.

"Whaa...what are you doing? Lower me!" I yelled at him as I move around, when I get to the land, we both fall to the ground.

His lips almost brushing mine...

It seems like an eternity but I finally sneak out of him, crawling in the mud, as Tin gets up, his clothes are a bit messy and he's surely going to yell at me for that.

"What were you doing here? Didn't you have enough with what happened to you the other time?" He asked angrily but it is also as if he is worried about me.

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