Chapter 8 - Awkward

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"That's really not necessary, Ben. I am meeting my friends by the entrance. Actually, they're already waiting for me," I claim.

To emphasize this, I point towards the main entrance of our school where, luckily, Gracie and Anna have already gathered. Gracie has promised to be there for me when I return to school so that I don't have to face the other students alone or – worst case scenario – answer stupid questions by myself. I still hope nobody cares and that nobody wants to talk to me.

"I am sure that your friends won't mind if Jack walks with you guys," Ben says.

Do I detect some badly hidden amusement in his voice?

Glancing at him, I find my brother grinning slightly to himself.

Is he making fun of my friends?

"Why would you say it like that?" I snap.

"Like what?" Ben asks innocently.

Jack and the twins snicker in the backseat.

"You guys are stupid, all of you," I groan.

I know exactly what he is implying. It is no secret in my family that my friends are a bit too keen on my brothers, even if they haven't really met any of them properly yet. And if I have any say in that matter, it won't happen for a long while to come, either. Noah and Aidan have a regular field day teasing me about the girls and their apparent obsession with them. Or, in Aidan's case, he always behaves as if it were the end of the world that some junior high school girls show an interest in him. But I know for a fact that it also strokes his ego. Despite what I promised him a few days ago, maybe I should consider inviting the girls over to my house just to annoy him.

"We're off – see you after school!" Noah announces and jumps out of the car, pulling Aidan behind him.


"We need to get going, too, if I have to take you to your class first. Mine is all the way across campus," Jack explains and gets out of the car, too.

"You don't have to take me!" I yell after him.

"Hey, calm down, princess. Why are you fighting me on this?" Ben asks, using his reasonable voice.

I just glare at him.

He is clueless, isn't he?

I am bit grumpy today, as I have been for most days in the past week or so. The inability to run around like I used to and all these stupid exercises I have to do every day are starting to get to me. I have never been the most patient person on this planet – none of my family are, so I am in good company with that character flaw – and this shows in situations like these. I sometimes wish it were already two or so months down the line so that I could go back to doing whatever I please. In any case, my not so great mood increases my desire to be difficult, just for the sake of it.


"I don't need anyone to walk me to my class like I am some baby!" I complain.

"We only want to make sure that you're okay."

"I am okay. Why don't you just believe me for a change and leave me alone?"

"Please be a good girl and let Jack walk you in. It would give me some peace of mind to know that you got to your first lesson okay." Ben is clearly unfazed by my bad attitude.

The way he looks at me expectantly, with this gentle smile of his that kind of is his trademark, there is nothing I can do or say anymore to get out of this unwanted situation. Ben looks as if his heart would break if I continued to fight him on this. And since I am not known to try on purpose to make my brothers' lives difficult, I eventually give in. They have got enough to deal with and don't need me to act up, too, so I try to reign in my annoyance and comply with his wishes.

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