ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙- 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕗 𝕆𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕦... PART ONE

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At this point, I can't even tell if we're out of quarantine yet. Are we? I have no idea.


"There it is, guys. The city of Omashu." Aang announced, pointing downwards. I still couldn't tell what he was pointing to, exactly. Me, Sokka, and Katara were still trying to climb to the top of the mountain.

"Why did we have to leave Appa down there? I'm not a hiker and I never will be." I said with exhaustion.

"We can't risk anyone knowing who Aang is. Only a few people know right now." Katara supplied.

"And it just so happens to be the people we don't want knowing..." Sokka grumbled.

"Oh, cheer up Sokka!" Aand chirped, "We're here."

Now I could see what Aang was pointing to. It was a city- not a big one, but still big.

"Wow, we don't have cities like this in the south pole," Katara said in awe.

"They have buildings that don't melt!" Sokka marveled.

"This is the first city I've ever been to where I haven't had trouble breathing," I added.

It was true- back when I lived in New York City, the pollution was so bad that sometimes they kept us inside for recess because of it.

"Why would you have trouble breathing?" Sokka asked with confusion.

I stared at the sky in thought for a moment, "Based on the technology this world has, I'd say you'll know what a car is in a few decades or so."


Long story short, we were able to get into Omashu in one piece. We couldn't risk anyone knowing Aang's identity, so we gave him the fakest disguise humanely possible.

Where were we now? Well, Katara, Sokka, and Aang had gone sliding down a tube that shouldn't be used like that anyway. Obviously, I had refused to come with them.

"Oooh, jackpot!" I grinned and bent down. It was some sort of coin that I couldn't recognize. It looked like it was of value. Just to make sure, I walked up to the nearest salesperson and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, but I'm... uh, blind. Is what I'm holding money?" I asked. I kept my eyes fixed in one position to get him to believe it. But based on past events, I had figured that these people were pretty gullible.

"Um, yeah. That's a copper piece. Enough for most of the stuff I have here." He replied.

Something caught my eye right away. It was a book. I took it with my fingers and opened it up. It wasn't a book- it was a journal. I had a journal back home- it was a shame that I would probably never see it again.

"I'll take this." I pointed to the journal I was holding. The man nodded and took my coin when I held it out to him. I brushed the cover of the journal with my finger and started walking down the busy street. There was nothing that could separate me from-

"MY JOURNAL!" I cried out when it was flung out of my hand by an insanely fast object. I twisted my head to the side to try to get a look at what that flying object was. "KATARA! AANG! SOKKA!" I gasped.

I sighed and clenched my teeth. Wasting no time, I snatched the new journal off the ground, stuffed it into the pocket of my jacket, and started running after the runaway cart that had just whizzed by.

In my mind, I sort of knew they would be alright. I mean, if we weren't dead after getting attacked by...

1. The unagi.

2. Zuko (on multiple occasions).

3. A giant iceberg.

4. The Kyoshi Warriors, who almost fed us to the unagi.

...then there was no need to worry. That is, until a package with large spears attached to it started getting too close for comfort to the runaway cart. A single bead of sweat rolled down my forehead as I pushed my legs to carry me a little faster.

'Maybe now would be a good time to use my airbending.' A voice in my head suggested.

'No, you shouldn't do that. You're not trained well enough.' Another one joined in.

'Would you rather take a risk or have everyone die?'

'They have a better chance of survival if you-'


I cringed at the sight of Katara, Sokka, and Aang smashing into a merchant's cart of cabbages. Cabbages rolled everywhere across the street.

In a few seconds, a crowd of people had formed. I pushed my way to the front and ran towards the Gaang, kneeling down to pick up some cabbages in the process.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked. The question was half sincere, but I also laughed through half of it.

Before anyone could answer, the four of us were hoisted to our feet by some guards. I just rolled my eyes. Curiosity killed the cat.

"Two cabbages, please." Aang laughed nervously.

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