I wasn't trying to be a bitch. I just didn't have any smiles or happy farewells to give.

While sullking through the halls I tried not to look for a familiar face. Well, more like a certain face. He was everywhere. In the smile of all the heartbreakers. In the confidence of all the A-listers. In the soul of the rock band fanatics.

Everywhere I looked I was bombarded with memories of those two amazing years. The years I felt alive and free. Where I answered to no one and did as I pleased. He was there.

And somehow, I still couldn't help but love him.

How irony was a bitch.

I turned a corner, searching the halls for my first class. Where is it? The lady said it shouldn't be hard to find. I glanced at the schedule. AP Earth Science in room 4B.

I was in the B wing. But where was number 4? There was 1, 3, and 5. I stopped at the end of the hall and looked around, ignoring the whispers of all the students trying to get a good look at my face.

A small girl walked up to me, having been about four or five inches shorter compared to my five foot eight slender frame. With midnight black hair and a septum piercing and snake bites, she seemed rather scary, but I've seen scarier. Dressed in all black, complete with fish net tights, I would have guessed she was a Goth.

"Name's Ice. What class are you looking for?" She asked. She had a slight Jersey accent but seemed nice enough.

"Four B. Do you know where that is?" I asked. She frowned.

"Yeah, come on, I'll show you." She pulled me back down the B wing, glaring at all those she passed. We soon exited the building and she brought me out to the sidelines of a small soccer field.

"Here it is!" She spread her arms wide and I frowned.

"Um, I don't think so." I said. She scoffed.

"You don't believe me? I suppose you never caught wind of the demolition that happened here about two years ago because of asbestos. They turned the second B wing into a soccer field since they needed one. This," She gestured to where I was standing." Is where 4B used to stand. Along with 2B, and 6B."

I frowned. That couldn't be right. I flipped my shedule over and searched the map. Sure enough, there was a building on the map where there wasn't one on campus.

"Weird." I murmured. Ice shrugged and pulled out a pack of rettes from her coat pocket.

She extended one to me while lighting up another hanging from the edge of her mouth. I shook my head and she shrugged again.

I was done with smoking. And drinking. And partying. And love.

After all, you only get hurt.

"So, I never caught your name." She said while inhaling the smoke from her rette.

"Willow." I said. Ice smiled.

"I'll call you Will. Although I could just call you tree, since your about the size of one. Seriously, how do you stay so skinny?" She asked. I didn't answer.

Starving for about two years took away all of my weight problems. It wasn't by choice, I assure you. It was because I had no money, and living in an old camaro with him wasn't exactly what I'd call Ritz material.

It was far from it actually.

She shrugged and flicked the cherry off the end of her rette.

"So Will, what are you doing in Foster's Corner?" She asked, mentioning the name of the tiny town in Ohio.

"I needed a change." I said simply, dropping to the ground, using the bottom part of my hoodie. His hoodie. To avoid dirtying my jeans. Ice dropped next to me.

"Same here. Ever heard of a girl named Sarah Farms?" She asked. I shook my head, gazing at the line of trees at the end of the soccer field.

"Well, that was me back then, about four years ago. I ran away from my foster home and changed my name, then came here to Foster's Corner. It's a good place to start over. I make a living selling paraphenelia. You know, bongs and stuff." She said, taking another hit from her rette.

I frowned. Maybe I shouldn't be spending so much time with her. I promised not to get into that stuff again.

"I don't smoke pot, if that's what you're thinking. I just sell the stuff, my friend Joey makes them in his garage and lets me sell them behind the local thrift store. You wouldn't believe the dirt I have on some of these guys." She hooked her thumb over her shoulder, indicating some of the students inside.

"I didn't think Foster's Corner would have a bunch of stoners." I said. She grinned.

"You'd be surprised. Everyone keeps things on the DL, if you know what I'm saying. They don't talk about this stuff publicly. You'll soon learn that people hide behind closed doors around here." She took another hit off her rette and then rubbed it out in the ground.

"Sounds like my kind of place." I murmured, leaning back on my elbows and staring at the trees. God, what was I thinking when I left with him?

"Don't be fooled, people just like to keep the heavy stuff under the covers. If you're pregnant, or a hippie, or even half black, I'd say you should probably book it. People are pretty rough sometimes." She frowned and rubbed her ribs. I wondered for a moment why, but if she wanted to tell me, she would.

It wasn't like she was pushing me for answers. She was just telling it like it is.

"Which is why I practically saved you from being mauled by the Barbie Twins." She said with a smile.

"Who's that?" I asked. She leaned back on her elbows, copying my position, her black hair falling to the ground, but she obviously didn't care.

"Claire and Cindy Michaelson. They'll rip you to shreds if you don't look like Beach Barbie. Hence, their nickname. They think they rule the school, but it's total bull. Claire's boyfriend Evan does. He's a fine one I'll tell you that." She bit her lip and looked over at me.

"You know what? I like you, Will. You should sit with me at lunch! I'll introduce you to Jared. He'd like you." Ice said. I nodded. At least I'd have a place to sit.

"Well, I'm sure you can find your other classes, they won't be hard to navigate. I'd say you have about ten more minutes before you have to go back inside. So spend it wisely." She winked and stood before walking off, her black skinny jeans jingling with two long metal chains.

Welcome to Brooklyn High. Or really, Hell.


A/N Hey guys! I got this idea based off of Taylor Swift's song I Knew You Were Trouble and the music video. Everything else is totally made up. So don't believe everything you read. I think it would just be perfect for the main character to be Taylor Swift. Seems fitting right?

Burning Man, is real. I wanna go as soon as I turn Twenty One. So, at least that isn't part of my imagination. :)

Anyway, Thanks for Reading Lovelies!

Lotsa Love,


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