Epilogue (smut ver)

Start from the beginning


They'd all grown. He was the tallest, standing at six foot four now, whilst Bakugou was six foot one but much broader and muscular. Shinsou was between them at six foot two, his build was leaner than either of them, and though he'd filled out a bit, you could still see the lanky teenager in him.
Izuku, however, hadn't joked an age ago when he'd said he wouldn't grow. He barely grew an inch in the last five years, upward or outward. He was still slim and lithe and deadly, though at five five it wasn't any wonder they all physically dwarfed him.
He'd kept his hair long, it almost reached his hips now. Shoto knew it was a hassle to keep, but the greenette insisted. He was certain Izuku kept it mostly for him though. He adored running his hands through it, and when they bathed together he loved washing it, and the way Izuku melted into his chest when he did.

The sound of the door brought him back to the present, and Shoto turned down the gas, looking over his shoulder hopeful only to be disappointed to see Bakugou trudging in. He noted the blond had fresh bandages. "Alright?"
Bakugou grunted, narrowly avoiding stepping on Shinsou as he moved over to slump into a chair. "I finally hunted down the centre of that drug ring. Captured all those bastards and burned the whole place down!"
"Creating a hell of a lot of paper work for me huh?" Muttered Shoto dryly.

He sometimes wondered why he had agreed to be Bakugou's lawyer, then he remembered that Izuku had asked him.
Those damn green eyes.

Bakugou grunted again, and Shinsou shifted in his sleep. Out of the corner of his eye, Shoto spied the blond reach out to nudge the underground hero awake. He raised a small ice wall blocking his foot and glared. "You know perfectly well he has barely had three hours sleep. Leave the guy alone."
"If he wanted to be left the fuck alone, why did he chose to lie in the middle of the kitchen?" Asked Bakugou dryly.
"Because Zu was supposed to come back first." He pointed out calmly.
"Where is the nerd?"
The blond's voice had softened like it always did when the greenette was mentioned. Shoto thought the guy might actually more of a simp than he was.

"Emergency, virus outbreak."
"UK again?"
"No, Brazil actually. Hatsume released a virus that causes people to crave Brussels sprouts."
"Weird ass steam punk. When did she get into that shit?"
"Since she got a god for an assistant."
"How the fuck did that happen again?"

Just as Shoto was about to answer they both heard the front door again. They turned expectantly to the kitchen entry way, instinctively relaxing when Izuku appeared, smiling brightly.
"Hey Sho, Kaachan!"
"You're back late Deku." Grumbled Bakugou, but he'd already launched from his chair, all tiredness gone to embrace the smaller man.
Izuku hummed, chuckling a bit as Katsuki's hands moved from his waist down to rest firmly on his hips, "messed up a bit of biochem in the labs. I felt guilty so cleaned it up myself."
"You mean that Hatsume went behind your back, releasing a virus into the centre of Rio de Janeiro to see what would happen and you resolved it." Corrected Shoto, giving another stir of the pan as Katsuki captured Izuku's lips hungrily with his own, Izuku healing his wounds casually as they kissed.

Izuku pouted a little into the kiss, snickering as the blond squeezed his ass, "nothing compared to my number one hero! Heard you finally eradicated that drug ring!"
The blond preened a little, and Izuku gave him another kiss in reward before smoothly escaping his clutches and moving to Shoto. Shoto didn't think his jealously and need for attention had been showing that obviously, but the greenette had always been able to read him like a book.

He pulled the shorter man close, tucking a loose curl behind Izuku's ear.
"How did it go today?"
Shoto hummed and ducked down to claim his own kiss, memorising the curves of Izuku's waist with his hands, "Tenko'll have three new students by the end of this week."
Izuku's eyes sparkled happily, though he'd flushed a little from all the physical contact, "I'm glad!"

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