Chapter 4

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Hi people. This chapter is really bad. The pic has nothing to do with the story. It is just the truth.
Izuku's pov

I was walking home from school when I heard something in an alleyway. I became curious and was about to enter the alleyway. That was until I heard someone screaming to someone or something els about being a villain or something.

I looked around the corner to see what I thought was gonna be a some guy with a villain costume on. I looked and what i saw suprised me. It wasn't a man in his mid-30. I saw a kid around my age not saying a single word while being bullied.

I couldn't take it. I mean why were they bullying a kid there age when he's not doing anything, oh wait... that happens to me too. But that doesn't mean I won't help him.

I turned the corner and immediately kicked a kid with what looked like brown and grey hair. He had a mask in his hand and grey-ish smoke out of his mouth. I got a sniff of the smoke and I started gagging. The air was too disgusting.

Just when another kid wanted to kick me i rolled to the side, got up and punched that guy in the chest hard. That guy fell down and started crying. Tho, to be honest it sounded more like a donkey drowning.

There was only one dude left or should I say dudet (my word for girl). "What the hell! What are you doing! Your probably one of those people who want to be heroes. UGH, thats so disgusting. I'm going." That was all she said before smacking the boys in the head so that they wake up and dragging them out the alleyway.

I looked around for the other kid. While I look around I spot him in the same spot on the ground. I walk up to him and ask with the kindest voice I can manage "H-Hey a-are you o-okay... wh-why were th-those guys b-bullying y-you?" I hated my voice even more now. It was all cracked from not using it in that long. And there was the disgusting stutter.

After awhile I was about to say something els but the kid beat me to it

"Why did you help me."

"W-Why wo-wouldn't I?"

"... Because I have a villain quirk.."

Shinso pov
Before the Izuku thing

I was at my newly adopted family. It existed out of a guy named Shota Aizawa and his husband Hizashi Yamada.
I had to move in with them since my parents died in a care accident half a year ago. I've been in foster care since then. But none of them treated me right because of my quirk.

My quirk is brainwashing. If someone answers me they get brainwashed. Too be fair, I don't know why it's villainous. I mean you can stop villains with it and other stuff.

I also get bullied by my classmates for my quirk. Thats why I have no friends whatsoever.

Did I mention that my new parents are pro heroes. I heard one of them is called Erasure Head and the other Present Mic. My favorite hero is Erasure Head, and when I found out he was gonna be my dad I freaked out. Like literally.

Today while I was walking home I spotted three of my classmates. There was Watashi Itami (means I am damaged), Mayoko Kizuo (Guy) and Kozakura Muri (girl).

Sadly for me they spotted me. They walked up to me and started throwing insults. I wasn't listening until I was pushed to the ground. Now I was sitting on the cold cement floor of an alleyway. They started kicking and punching me whilst still throwing insults.

Not even 20 minutes in they were interrupted by a loud thud. I looked at where it came from and saw Itami on the ground. Then I saw a boy a little smaller than me. The kid started fighting Mayoko but he passed-out shortly after. Kozakura was now the only one left. She said a few thing before she left, dragging the boys behind her. Lucky for her she has a arm enchantment quirk.

"H-Hey a-are you o-okay... wh-why were th-those guys b-bullying y-you?"

"..."  I stayed quite. I didn't want him thinking that I was a villain. I don't know why tho. I mean I only met him 5 minutes ago and I don't even know what his name is.

It was silent for awhile so I decided to break it.   "Why did you help me?"  I tried saying it in my most stern voice to not make the kid think I'm emotional.

"W-Why wo-wouldn't I?"

After this I started to have a tiny panic-attack in my head. A kid I don't know was asking me why he shouldn't have helped me. I mean what do I answer. Before I could think anymore I answered

"...Because I have a villain quirk..."

After that it stayed silent for another while.

"C-Can you p-please s-show or t-tell m-me your qu-quirk?"

"W-Why wo-wouldn't I?"

I was confused why he wanted to know my quirk. I couldn't decide what to do.

"Sure. Well I can brainwash people when they answer my questions."

After I said that I was awaiting his answer, thinking it was gonna be something like. 'Eewww that's disgusting' or 'Omg, stay away from me you villain freak'

"Wow that's so cool!"

Hehe thats it. Hope ya enjoyed.  Word count: 941

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