Chapter 8

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Hello buddy's! I just wanted to give credits to Im_trying_mom_ cuz she's a good friend and my sister, she also helped out with the vigilante name. Sooooo yeah and go check out her story!

Still Shinso's pov

"REALLY?! THAT'S GREAT LITTLE LISTENER!" " 'Zashi, be quiet for once." "OH, okay! Whats his name?! You keep calling him kid so do ya actually know his name?!" I think you could guess who said that. He started off with his quirk but luckily we have someone who can cancel it and not make our ears die.

"Well, um... you see, he never really told me his name..." In all honesty, I'm kinda sad that he didn't tell me his name. I mean, whats so bad about telling your name? Plus, I wonder what kind of name he has and if it actually suits his personality.

"So you became friends with somebody. But you don't even know his name? At least tell me you told your name." Shota said sighing. He probably needs more coffee. Not that thats a surprise or anything.

"Of course I told him my name. What did you expect?" I'm too tired for this. I just wanna go to my room and sleep, not that I do that much either. But just like expected, their gonna make a big deal out of it.

"Look, its fine that you're making friends and all, but just don't be out so late. For all we know you could've been kidnapped and we wouldn't even know about it." He gave me the kind of talk that parents mostly give about randomly getting kidnapped. It doesn't really make sense tho. Who would kidnap me, I have a useless quirk and am not that interesting as a person.

"Okay, okay I get it. Just when are we gonna eat, I'm hungry." What you see here is my attempt to change the subject and lucky for me, it worked.

"The food's almost done listener! We're having miso soup tonight!" Hizashi said with his nonstop booming voice.

"K, I'll be in my room. Call me when the food's ready." Just as I finished talking I ran up the stairs to my room.
It isn't the most luxurious room ever but its good enough for me.

It was a simple rectangular-ish room. If you walk in you see in the far right corner my bed lying against the wall on the right. On my bed there are some purple and black blankets and pillows. In the far left corner is my desk lying against the left wall. On the left of my desk stands my closet. There's also a mirror hanging in my room next to my closet.

(That was my attempt to explain the layout of his room, but as you can see it kinda failed)

I plopped down on the bed and took my phone. I scrolled thru YouTube to find some holy cat videos. Once I found some I kept watching till Papazashi (what I'm calling Mic now) called me to come down to eat.

We ate the food in peace- I mean with Papazashi talking constantly, but for the rest it was nice and peaceful.

Izuku's pov

After the encounter with him again I headed back 'home'. I reached the porch but before I could turn the doorknob I made a decision that might be good or bad.

I decided to climb through my window. I know I know, I probably won't even be able to reach it but it seems better than going in through the door.

Time for the attempt!

I walked next to the house to where my window is. I saw a little brick out of place for where I could latch on. A little higher were more bricks but they were barely poking out so there was a high possibility that I would fall.

But I'm gonna do it anyway!

I started of with grabbing the brick thats closest to me. Next I put my foot on another smaller brick. My other hand went to a brick that was poking out the most. This went on with a few other bricks. It was now my foots turn. I put my foot down on a brick, but just as I was about to put pressure on it I slipped. Now I was just hanging by my fragile arms, barely hanging on.

'Damn it, if I let go now he would notice and I don't really want to fall either. Guess I'll just have to try harder' I thought.

I tried to pull myself up, and in the process of doing so one of my hands slipped. At that moment I saw something so I already started a small plan in my head. My other hand started to slip too so I acted quickly.
I let go.

Why you ask?

Simple, because in my curtain I saw a silhouette of a person. The only person in my house is my father or his friends, never someone els. So if I had kept climbing I would've come face-to-face with whoever was there, not that I could keep climbing anyway. All I have to do now is hope that he doesn't hear me when I land.

I landed with a loud thud. I looked up to see if he had heard but I didn't see him look out the window so thats a good sign. The only option left is the front door.

I walked in and was surprised when I saw nobody there. I looked around to find any sign of him but couldn't find any. Then I remembered the silhouette I saw.

'He's probably in my room waiting for me to come. He's gonna-gonna... I don't want to know what he'll do. No. Stay positive! Maybe he's not here today! Yeah, no beating today! B-but who was the person at my window then? I-' I got cut short of my thoughts when I heard something upstairs.

I was wondering whether or not I should go to check. But in the end I decided to go look. I don't know why I wanted to, but I guess I was just curious.

I quietly walked up the stairs, careful for the squeaky ones. I made my way upstairs but was still unable to see any sign of a person. I reached my room and carefully opened my door...

Helloooo! It is I! Imma leave it here.
Word count: 1070

Also I wanted to say thanks for 1,47 k!

Also I wanted to say thanks for 1,47 k!

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Yeah thats it, bye-bye now

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Yeah thats it, bye-bye now

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