Chapter ummmmmmm 11?

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Hello fellow human! Unless you're not a human of course. Welp, 'tis I with another chapter. Hope y'all enjoy. Also look at Todoroki checking out Izuku's ass....

S a t a n s pov

"You know Erasure Head, you're really strong. But sadly for you, I'm always prepared for these moments." This got Aizawa confused. What could he have prepared?

They waited a few seconds... nothing came.... another 10 seconds pasts....20.....30....40-


Suddenly a bunch of men in black came crashing through the windows. They all scattered all around them. Some took out guns, while others readied their quirks.

"I would really want to stay and talk, but I have some important business to attend to. All you have to do is hand over the kid, or I'll simply take him by force. It's your choice." Hisashi grinned sinisterly, one that would give even All Might the chillys.

On the other hand, Aizawa didn't know what to do. There are too many of them, and if he made one wrong move the kid would get hurt. He wouldn't be able to cancel all quirks due to lots having guns instead. He couldn't leave the kid alone here either, he's been through so much that nobody should have gone through.

"P-Please stop... I-I don't want a-anybody to get h-hurt... M-Mister Erasure, I'll j-just go with h-him, I won't bother y-you a-anymore a-and-" Izuku got cut-off.

"See! The kid gets it! You simply hand him over and nobody get hurt! Isn't that right Izuku?" The bastard we all want dead said, or more like commanded. The black dudes loaded their guns and aimed them at both Izuku and Aizawa, who backed away instinctively.

"Like hell I'll let that happen you psycho-" he cut himself off once he saw one black dude aiming his arm out towards Izuwu. That means he's readying his quack. Aizawa could easily disable his quirk, but that would mean not being able to see what the other people are doing due to having to look at that dude (if that makes sense).

Didn't take long for another guy to stretch his arm out, this time towards Aizawa. Then another on Izuku. One more on Izuku. Another one on Aizawa. It continued till there were 4 aimed on Izuku and 3 on Aizawa.

It stayed quiet. Nobody moved. Nobody said a word. Even sounded as if nobody breathed. But of course it couldn't stay like that.

A dude fired his quirk. It was at Izuku. It was a white fire-looking thing that seemed to be dancing around in the air. Luckily Aizawa saw it on time and canceled the dude's quirk. :>

Another dude fired. Aimed at Aizawa. This time it was a straight blue line. Aizawa simply dodged, and when he looked down to where it would've hit him, the ground had a big long stripe seemingly burned into the ground. Lazer beams.

And so it kept going. Aizawa dodging and canceling quirks aimed at both him and Izuku. While he did that, Izuku was terrified. It was his fault this was happening. His fault that Mister was going to get hurt. His fault for being a failure. His fault for being a burden. His fault for being alive.

All Izuku saw was a white fire-like thing coming at him before he blacked out. All he could hear was the faint sound of people screaming.

Aizawa's pov


The kid got hit. I'm pretty sure it was by the first dude that tried. Now he's just standing there, eyes wide open, looking down to the ground. All the other dudes seem to know what's happening. Some even began to look for some sort of shelter or to just run away.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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