Chapter 3

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Heya buddies. How are yall doing? Welp. Lets begin
Still green beans pov

Father was starting to unbuckle my pants. I was starting to get scared. "M-Master w-what are y-you doing?" I hated how i stuttered. Father also hates it and hurts me more because of it.

"Oh, I'm just going to have some fun with you, little Izu~"

I was scared. No. Terrified. I tried to stop the tears from falling, but it was a failed attempt. I started crying.
My father was laughing like a maniac. He started taking of both his and my clothes till we were completely naked.

Sorry but i will not write about rape sooo yeah. Actually i shouldn't even say sorry.
Time skip to after that brought to you by... My cat vomiting all over me! YAY!

I was just laying there. Naked. I was still in the basement, and i would probably be here for a while. While i was being.. well you know... raped, i was getting seriously hurt. Hisashi kept burning me and hitting me. Now i have a bunch of bruises, scars that need disinfecting and burns.

I start to remember that i had school tomorrow and that i missed a few days. I hop in the shower and rins myself of. I winced once the soap reached my wounds. I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I bandaged my bruises, scars and burns, and got ready for bed. It was already 1:23 on a Wednesday.

When it was 5:44 i woke up. I had to make breakfast for Hisashi since mommy died. I still can't get over it. I mean, my mother just died and father has gotten more abusive towards me.

For Hisashi i was making simple bacon and eggs with sausages. I didn't dare take anything in case father saw and i would be punished. At 6:15 i woke Hisashi up. At around 7:30 i started to go to school. I waited at school till it was 8:10 till i came inside. When i was in the class i saw that kacchan was already there.

I wanted to tell him what happend. That mommy, Inko, was dead. But I remembered what my father told me

"You better not say shit to anyone about this you brat. If i find out you did. Lets just say it won't be pretty." That meant that i had to keep everything a secret.

Today, instead of just ignoring me, he was making fun of me. Saying how worthless i was since I'm 'quirkless'. You would probably think that if a teacher saw that that they would do something about it. Wel let me tell you. They don't. They don't care about a 'quirkless' kid like me. Once there was a teacher that cared. But she got ingnored by the other teachers, so she stopped helping me.

Time skip brought to you by me getting a crock thrown at me!
Izuku is now 7.                             3rd pov

Izuku was in the basement again. But this time it was different. He didn't know why but it just felt different. Just then the basement door opened. He saw his father and another guy. He didn't know the other guy, nor did he want to know. He just seemed like a bad person

"Listen here. This kind sir will do whatever with you and you'd better do everything he says. Or els!"

"Y-yes m-master."

The man thanked Hisashi and looked next to Izuku. Only then Izuku noticed the table next to the bed. It was a little table with wheels and- Knifes. He didn't realize all the knifes on the table. Some were already bloody and some new. While  Izuku was freaking out about the knifes, he didn't notice the man taking a knife.

"AAAAHHHHHH-" The man had put a knife in Izuku's leg. Izuku looked down to his leg only to see what looked like a big lump of red. Turns out the man had put a big kitchen knife in his leg.

The man started to activate something like a quirk. His quirk was that he could produce extremely sharp pole-ish things out of his body. He stuck the poles all over Izuku.

At this point Izuku was crying. He thought he was gonna die. Oh but how wrong he was. After about 2 and a half hours the man left. And Izuku was yet again left in the basement.

This kind of thing went on for as long as Izuku can remember. Someone would come by and hurt or rape him. Izuku did find out that they had to pay Hisashi to do anything. There was also this one guy that came. Izuku was told his name was something like... Shigaraki.

Time skip brought to you by... my sister screaming at my other sister that I'm a pain in the ass!
Izuku is now 9.                                                                  Izuku's pov

I was getting ready for school. I hated school. I didn't always come to school. But that is because of my beating and the basement. But at school wasn't any better. Wel I mean it was better than being abused but I still get hurt. I kinda stopped talking at this point. I still talked but barely. At school I get bullied by kacchan and his lackeys.

The bullying has become worse. Now they actually do something painful to me.

Time skip to after school

While I was walking home I took the longer route. I didn't often go this route cause than I would be home later, but now I didn't care.

While i was walking I heard something in a allyway.

Heeeyyyyy I hope your enjoying so far. Welp word count: 956

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