Chapter 7

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Sup my bootiful buddy's! I suck at updating so sorry 'bout that. Anyway! Lets begin the chapter! And the picture is da best friendship that exists. You cannot convince me otherwise.

I kept on walking till I was at a park. To be honest, I've never seen this park before. I was pretty tired so I decided to just sit on the swings and chill. A few minutes later I see a familiar ball of green floof...

Izuku's pov

I was exhausted. Father came home early today and I promised that the house would be spotless. But just as you expected, I wasn't done on time. He beat me yet again and said that as a punishment I wouldn't be allowed to eat for the next 4 days.

I just wanted to be free for a few minutes, so I ended going to the park close by. I don't get to be outside that much, only when I by food or father's drinks or when I go to school. But I haven't been going to school that much either these days, not that anyone there would care anyway.

I arrived at the park after about 10 minutes of walking. There was a little bench there, so as any other person would do, I sat on it. Eventually I got bored so got ready to leave. Just as I was about to get up I heard something, or more like someone. The voice was familiar and actually really calming for me.

I turned around to be met with the guy from a few days ago. His name is something across the lines of Shinno Hipodi or somewhere around that. I looked at him and he looked back. We stood there staring into each other's eyes for awhile until he said something.

"So, um I-I wanted to thank you for... the-the thing a few days ago." He said sounding a bit embarrassed.

"H-Huh? Oh! It's no b-big deal, d-don't worry a-about it!" I said stuttering yet again. I really should do something about that stutter.

"No big deal? You could have gotten hurt you know!"  This time he sounded...worried? Why would he be worried about me? I'm just a useless nobody.

"I hope you didn't get badly injured. Would you mind if I looked?" Him? Looking at me? He would see my scars. He would deem me ugly and useless like the rest. He would tell my father that I was out here. Or he would tell heroes what's happening and father would get more angry at me.

"Hey, are you okay? Did I say something wrong? Are you not feeling well?" It's fake. Nobody would care. Why is he caring? He doesn't. Its all an act.

With that I simply walked away, hoping he would leave me alone.

He didn't.

He kept following me. We were about 6 minutes walking away from the park and I finally stopped.

"Look, I really don't want you to get hurt. So... please... don't get involved with me." Wow! I said it without stutter! New accomplishment! But for the rest it was true. If he got involved with me anymore then he is, he'll get hurt. By Kacchan, he'll become a victim. With my father, I'm not allowed any contact with other people, that brings me more weakness.

I took one look at him and immediately saw the sadness in his expression. I turned away. I didn't want to see that face anymore. It was so sad and lonely.

"Well, o-okay then. I-I guess I should be going now. Goodbye." He then walked off, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Why did I do that? I understand that he would get hurt if he's with me but I still enjoyed being with him. He was nice, and I mean a real nice, like he wouldn't abandon me no matter what. I wanted to run after him and tell him that I didn't mean it and that I would really want to be friends with him. But for both his safety and mine, I should just walk away and pretend this never happend.

Of course my stupidity got the best of me. I turned around and just started running at him. At the last second he turned around too. I jumped at him and ended up in a position where I could easily hug him (I'm too lazy to explain). He seamed shocked at first but eventually hugged me back.

"I-I'm s-sorry.... I-I ju-just don't w-want you to g-get h-hurt.... I'm sorry." I have no idea what I said. It just kinda slipped out.

Shinso's pov

After I saw him at the park I kinda, sorta followed him. I don't want him to think that I'm a creep tho. We kept walking for a few minutes til he just stopped. He turned to face me and now I could see all his features.
He had messy green hair and beautiful green eyes. His face held such soft features like his freckles, four big ones on each cheek shaped in a diamond (yes, I think he has more little freckels on his face but he has those ones as a main one). He also seemed to have incredibly chubby cheeks, I almost couldn't keep myself from squishing them. His face itself seemed to hold a lot of emotion.
I got snapped out of my trance when he started talking.

  "Look, I really don't want you to get hurt. So.... please.... don't get involved with me." He said the whole thing with sadness lingering in his voice. I just stood there in silence, processing what just happend.

The only person that has been nice to me so far just told me not to get involved with him... o-okay, it isn't such a big deal... who am I kidding. It is a big deal, for me at least, he probably doesn't really care.

"Well, o-okay then. I-I guess I should be going now. Goodbye." With that I turned away and started walking back. I'm still really sad but I have to get over it. Then I felt something coming at me so I quickly turned around.

"I-I'm s-sorry.... I-I ju-just don't w-want you to g-get h-hurt.... I'm sorry." He was hanging on me in a hugging soort position thing that I cannot explain. I stabilized myself so that we wouldn't fall over.

"I-It's fine, really and you don't have to apologize for anything. I should be the one apologizing, I was just annoying you and getting in your way." I said calmly. I saw that he was starting to cry a little. There way a little teardrop so I gracefully swiped it away with my thumb (like how mom's magically do it).

"Why are you crying? Its not your fault, nothing is. Whats wrong?" I started to get worried about him. How would I get hurt because I'm with him?

"I-If you stay w-with m-me you would g-get bullied m-more a-and h-he would..." He sounded really scared. Who would scare him so much and who would wanna hurt or scare him. He's the nicest person EVER!

"S-Sorry b-but I ha-have t-to go. I hope we meet a-agin, okay!" He got off me and started to run back to where I presume his home is.

I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was 5:49pm (17:49). Dinner would start at 6pm (18:00) so I'd better be home by then. I walked back to the park so I could remember the way to my house from there.

I arrived home in 7 minutes. If you can do maths you should know what time that is. I unlocked the door with the key I got a few days back. I entered and saw a pissed of Shouta and a worries looking Hizashi.

"Tell me, why do you keep coming home late or bruised?" Shouta said strictly and sternly.

"W-Well you see, I found the kid from a few days ago that helped me. He's really nice!" I said it with such enthusiasm that they couldn't really be mad about it anymore... I hope.

"Really?! Thats great little listener! Whats his name?! You keep calling him kid so do ya actually know his name?!" I think you could guess who said that. He started off with his quirk but luckily we have someone who can cancel it and not make our ears die.

Uugghhhhhhhhhh I wanna stop. So I'm gonna stop the chapter here.
Word count: 1453

Why me   (ShinDeku) DISCONTINUED!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz