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Regulus and James were cuddling each other, and it felt like everything was right in the world. It was not everything Regulus thought it would be. His relationship with his father and Sirius did not automatically fix itself, and Regulus found himself avoiding being in a room alone with them. So his days were spent with James glued by his side, and bothering Holden into hanging out with him. It doesn't mean he wasn't talking to either of them just that he preferred talking to Sirius when James was next to him. Regulus loved his brother but it was far too awkward being alone with him. The brothers still did brotherly things like tease each other, and such but there was a tension there. Regulus didn't have the time to worry about that though as he was getting very threatening messages from his mother. The messages were filled with threats and her demanding he come back home. At first, he simply ignored her hoping she'd admit defeat and finally leave him alone, but alas even after a month her messages had not stopped.

'Come home regulus you know I have custody of you
Even if that good for nothing Orion tries to fight for custody you know he'll lose'

Regulus stared at his phone and felt like crying. Why couldn't she just leave him alone?
"Babe you good?" James slipped his arms around the smaller man and placed his chin on his head. Regulus blinked the tears away before they fell and quickly turned to hug him. He nuzzled his head into James' chest, he really likes the way James' smelled. He couldn't really tell you exactly how he smelled like but there was a small linger smell of cinnamon. "Are you sniffing me?" James laughed and placed a hand on Regulus' head when he started to move away. "I didn't say it was a bad thing, did I?" Regulus shook his head pressing into James even more.
"You smell good" was all Regulus said with a slight smile on his face. James' grinned a light blush spreading on his cheeks. He kissed the top of Regulus' head and chuckled at the purring sounds coming from the other man.
"What are you a cat? Should I call you kitten from now on?" Regulus threw a weak punch at James' chest pulling away from him.
"Am not a cat" he pouted and James held his face and got closer to his boyfriend so their noses were touching.
"Aww, my pouty feisty kitten." Regulus scoffed pushing James' face away.
"You're a creep."
"Aww, kitten you wound me" Regulus rolled his eyes and pushed James on a seat so he could sit on his lap. James wrapped his arms around Regulus's waist and placed quick kisses on his shoulder. "What did I do to deserve you? '' Happiness swelled in Regulus's chest and he pulled back so he can give him a light peck before returning to their original position.
"I should be saying that." James shook his head but neither of them said anything. 

"Reggie someones on the phone for you!" Holden barged in wagging the landline around trying to feel for his big brother. "Oh, and Sirius said we can get a dog isn't that great Reggie!" Regulus got up and took the phone from Holden.

"Thank you love and yes a dog sounds lovely." Holden smiles widely and walks back to his room. Regulus grinned and put the phone to his ear.
"Regulus," he froze his blood running cold. It was his mother.
"What do you want?" he spoke in a low tone, anger filling up in his body.
"Don't give me that tone. Now onto business, I've been informed of something"
"Yeah? What about?"
"You have a boyfriend Regulus Arcturus Black"
"...leave James alone you hag."
"You're not helping your case Regulus. Come back home or something bad will happen."  The line went dead and Regulus could feel his lunch threatening to come up. He couldn't let anything happen to James. He knew the power she held, and the connections she has. Regulus started shaking when he realized the only option he had was to go back home. He went into the room settling back on James' lap, and he leaned up giving James a passionate kiss.
"What was that for?"  James asked as he nuzzled against Regulus's face.
"Just cause" James hummed and rocked Regulus side to side slightly.

It was finally time to leave, and everyone was out puppy shopping with Holden. Regulus quickly packed all of his stuff and wrote a quick note telling them not to look for him. As he made his way to the door it opened widely as Sirius and James walked in.
"Reg....whats up?" Sirius asked motioning towards the bags.
"You going somewhere, babe?" James moved forward but stopped when Regulus moved back. "Regulus?" 
Regulus avoided eye contact.
"I'm going back home."
"What, but what about all those things that bitch has done to you?" Sirius exclaimed and James just stared at him with a frown on his face.
"I was overreacting." He knew how stubborn and persistent Sirius and James were so he had to make this hurt them or they'd go after him. "I liked it there far better than here anyways." he used the snobbish tone he used to use at family parties.
'Regulus what are you even saying right now?" James looked hurt and confused, and it pained Regulus's heart.
"I'm saying that I've gotten tired of you" he held eye contact with James as he said it. His years of holding back his tears paid off because his eyes didn't even water while on the inside he was dying.
"What the fuck Regulus?" Sirius was basically yelling as he stepped forward blocking Regulus from James. 
"Shut up Sirius" Regulus rolled his eyes which only helped in getting Sirius more pissed.
"No, what the fuck is going on? You're not going back to our mother Regulus."
"You're just jealous that mother never loved you, and that I'm the better son, the better Black."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" James said as he pushed Sirius aside. Regulus' eyes widened when James had said that. The tone he had was ice cold and hurt. "Why did you even come here then? If you're so tired of me why did you tell me you loved me just last night?" Regulus took a deep breath in and then glared at the duo staring at him.
"I was using you, honey, it's called acting." It was all Regulus could say before Sirius slapped him.
"Don't ever talk about or to James like that again. Get out." Regulus held the cheek that Sirus slapped and spared a glance at James. His heart broke as he saw the tears streaming down from James' eyes. James wasn't even looking at him. "I said go!" Sirius yelled after a while of Regulus just staring at James.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M GOING" Regulus yelled back, but still his feet wouldn't move.
"Regulus leave," James said it softly but it shattered Regulus. He finally moved and opened the door. He looked back and saw the harsh glare of his older brother. And with that, he headed back home. 

AHAHA that's the end ✌️😗

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