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Regulus was shocked at the sight. He slowly approached the cell that was in the middle of the room. With a thousand thoughts going through his head he came to a pause and reach out the cell. The person turned their eyes a stormy grey.
"Who's there!" The person's voice was hoarse and Regulus could sense the panic coming off them in waves. Regulus was too stunned to say anything he simply stared. The person who looked like a little boy scooted away quickly from the lack of response.
"Who are you?" Regulus approached closer cautiously. The boy looked confused before shuffling forward using his arms to guide him. He grabbed the bars of the cell to pull himself up, and reached through the bars. He blindly placed his hands of Regulus' face, and Reg didn't dare move. The hands on his face roamed the entirety of it before pulling away.
"I don't know you. I don't know my name so I don't really know how to answer you. I'm sorry" the boy seemed so shaken. Regulus shook his head before realizing that the boy was probably blind and couldn't see him.
"Don't worry about it. My name Regulus" he didn't know what else to say. He just knew he had to get him out of there.
"Are you nice?" The boy asked backing up a bit. Regulus grabbed the boys from hands gently cursing his mother who he knew was responsible for this.
"Yes, I'm nice you can trust me." The boy seemed hesitant but shuffled forward again. "Who put you here?" The boy frowned tears pooling in his eyes.
"She's not nice Regulus calls me names only comes down to give me food" Looking at the boy's malnourished body he assumed his mother didn't come down often. His heart aches for this boy. The boy who probably has been here for as long as he can remember, who doesn't even have a name.

"Master Regulus?" Jack called out looking for him. The voice certainly frightened the boy as he scurried back to his place in the edge of the cell. "Master Regulus your mother says for you to go to bed now" Jack called out. Regulus sighed and promised he'd be back tomorrow with food for the boy. He quickly left the room and faced Jack who looked pale when he saw Regulus leave the room. "Regulus what were you doing in that room." His voice trembled and he was clearly scared. Regulus used this to his advantage and used the death glare he inherited from his mother on him.

"Who's in that room, Jack?" He demanded straightening his back out in an attempt to assert dominance. Jack looked even more scared looking around frantically for a way out. Regulus wouldn't allow it he made sure his glare was harsh and as scary as his mothers were.

"You can not tell Miss. Black, I told you this." He hurried out still looking around frantically. Regulus nodded his head in agreement, and Jack pulled him into another room. "That's...well that is your brother Regulus. Well, she was pregnant with him when you and Sirius were pretty young so you don't remember of course. When he was born his eyes weren't reacting to light and they were all fogged over. He is blind and Miss. Black did not like that, and so she hid him away." Jack explained quickly with his eyes still looking around the room. Regulus had to take a moment to really understand what had just been told to him. His mother wasn't as cruel as to hide away one of her sons in a cell was she?

"How can someone be this disgusting. He's a human being too blind or not!" Jack flinched from the dark tone and hung his head in fear.
"And you knew about it! You did nothing but watch as that monster imprisoned her own son!" When Jack said nothing Regulus set his icy glare back on him and stormed to his room. He was tired of his fucked up life, but his brother needed him. He wondered if this was how Sirius felt when he was still living here. Regulus opened his window and breathed in the cold air. Taking out a joint Remus have him earlier he lit it bringing his knees to his chest as he just stared out the window.

Knocking on his window woke up Regulus. He quickly sat up in his bed and look out the window seeing James' perfect face smiling back at him. A smile creeping its way on Regulus' face made him shake his head. How'd he like this idiot? He opened the window, and James took it as an invitation inside. Once James was seated on his bed he leaned forward and kissed him. It was honestly better than any drug Regulus has tried.
"Is your tongue pierced?" James chuckled and his face flushed the prettiest pink color that was doing things to Regulus' heart.

"Uh yeah Sirius dared me to one day and I can't say no to a dare so." Regulus smiled because of course, his dumb boy would never say no to a dare.
"I like it baby" Regulus murmured into his neck now on James' lap. He pulled back enough to see the pretty pink return to James' brown skin. "Anything else you got pierced that I should know about?" He asked his grey eyes met James' hazel one and Regulus felt at peace with the world.
"...yeah" Regulus gave him a questioning look that urged him to continue. "my friend lily got her nipples pierced and I did it with her because why not?" Regulus almost burst out laughing because his boyfriend James Potter has his nipples pierced.
"Holy fuck James," he said between his stifled laugh. James just smiled his hands settling on Reg's thighs.
"Let's go on a date kitten!" James was so enthusiastic that Regulus knew he could never say no to him. Too bad he would have to seeing as he got in trouble yesterday.

"Another time darling" his posh little accent when he said darling made James' heart jump. A pout formed on his face making Regulus roll his eyes. Regulus looked at his ridiculous boy and kissed him, and just like that, a smile returned onto James' face.

"A question my love" James hummed in response while he started kissing down his jaw to his neck. "Can you pick locks?" James pulled back and Regulus fought down a whine. The wide wicked smile on James' face was enough of an answer.
The wicked smile turned into giggles as James picked the lock on Walaburga's door and Regulus stole his mother's precious weed. They settled back on Regulus' bed and took turns smoking and just enjoying being together.

It was almost noon and James had to hide several times in order to keep away from Walaburga cold dead eyes. Regulus told James about his little brother, and it was safe to say James was horrified with Regulus' mother. James wanted nothing more than to take Regulus away somewhere and shield him from all the evils in the world. They did hatch a plan together though.

"Ok so basically you're gonna go and tell Sirius and dad what I told you. Then Dad is going to call the cops this Friday because that's when mother has her meeting with other "important" people. I will answer and let the cops search the house they'll find the room with my brother in it and then boom! We're both free baby" Regulus was excited about the plan they come up with. It had to work it just had to. James pulled Regulus onto his lap again smiling his usual 1,000-watt smile.

"I can't wait for it! to get you away from her would be a dream come true," James said placing tiny kisses all over Regulus' face.

"This is gonna be risky but do you wanna meet him?" James nodded and carefully they made their war to the basement luckily Walaburga went out for the evening leaving only Jack and other in house staff for them to be worried about. They made it the kitchens where Regulus told James to hide while he got food for his brother.

Regulus opened the door and hurried to the cage.
"Hey! It's me Regulus I brought a friend he's nice too" His brother, using his hands to guide him, made his way to the bars and slotted his hands through reaching around for the friends. His hands exploded James' face until a smile settled on the boy's face.

"Yes he is nice," the boy said like he was so sure of himself. James laughed and removed the hand from his face.

"What's your name buddy?" James asked trying so hard to resist the urge of picking that lock and getting him out of there.
"I-I don't have one."
"O-oh well, my names James" The boy smiled and said he liked that name. "Hey, can I give you a name?" James asked in a playful tone and the boy nodded eagerly clutching onto the bars because he was practically vibrating with excitement. Regulus was just watching this exchange with a permanent smile set on his face. He was so happy his brother and boyfriend got along so well.

"How's the name Holden?" A huge grin appeared on the boy's face as he nodded.

"I like it!" His brother was named Holden

THERE WE GOT JEGULUS WE GOT ANGST WE GOT A PLAN  sorry this was a filler chapter Idk next chapter will hopefully be more eventful

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