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The next day he woke with a start as his mom bursted into his room to tell him to get dressed. The urgency in her voice is what got Regulus to his feet so quickly.
"What is it mother? Whats wrong?" The sigh that came out of her mouth was one of annoyance which caused him to flinch back.
"Nothing is wrong you incompetent child just do as I say and get dressed!" She left the room and sent in one of the maids to help him get dressed.
"Master Regulus" she said as a greeting and went to fetch his clothes. Regulus really needed any type of drug to get him through tonight.
"What's your name again?" Regulus didnt mean to sound like a jackass but he did and she flinched. She carefully turned toward him her gaze at her feet.
"Melody sir" her strawberry blonde hair was up to her hips, and was wearing the mandatory uniform his mother made all servants wear. When she realized he wasn't going to say anything else she continued picking out the clothes. She handed him a suit and nice dress shoes and went to get started on his hair.
"Do you know what's happening today Melody?" He changed quickly while she had her back turned. She bounced on the balls of her feet which made her curls bounce along with her.
"Of course sir Mistress Walaburga is holding a charity ball" Regulus internally groaned because yes that's exactly what he needed to talk to all his horrible family members. Well at least he'd get to talk to Narcissa again she was his favorite. He tapped her shoulder and she sat him down to start on his hair. He hated awkward silences but that's what was happening because she was too scared to say anything, and Regulus never knew how to make small talk.
"Melody do you smoke weed?" Apparently that wasn't the right question to ask because she got tense and stopped her movements. "It's ok if you don't i just didn't want to be too stoned for this thing, but I didn't exactly want to be sober." She relaxed and a wicked smile graced her face. "I was wondering if you wanted to share one" he pulled out a joint and a lighter.
"Yes please god I've been stressed all day" she let out a sigh and was pleased when Regulus let out a chuckle.

The spent a hour smoking and another 15 minutes trying to get the smell off each other. When people started filling into the house is when he bid Melody goodbye and went into their ballroom. His mother pulled him aside.

"Best behavior now Regulus don't ruin this family's name any more than your brother or father had" Regulus nodded and Walaburga still glared and kept her death grip on his wrist. "Oh and the disgraced Potters are here so don't talk to them you hear me Regulus"

"Of course not mother" She was satisfied with that answer as she just nodded and let go of his wrist. Regulus took a minute to gather his thoughts and turned his gaze to the room trying to see if he could spot his boyfriend. It was pretty easy as his family were the only people of color in an ocean of white. Just the sight of him calmed him down, and then he remembered he couldn't talk to him. A quick shake of his head he took in the room. It was a large room with a bunch of tables which held the "sacred 28" basically all rich white families. He saw the table where all his cousins where and begrudgingly made his way there.
"Reggie!" Bellatrix called in her shrill voice that sent shivers up Regulus' back. All Regulus could muster up was a half hearted smile as he settled down by Narcissa.
"Hullo Regulus" she greeted her genuine smile settling his stomach a bit. He smiled in return and they all returned their gaze to Bellatrix who was spewing some nonsense.

"I heard you got a boyfriend Reg" Narcissa whispered into his ear and Regulus paled because even though he knew Narcissa could be trusted he was scared. "Don't be so scared I won't say anything don't worry. My girlfriend told me. Remember I'm gay we're in the same boat." Relief flooded Regulus as he remember that yes in fact Narcissa was a lesbian. 

"Yes I remember now how is Lily?" Lily was Narcissa's girlfriend and they've been dating for about a year now. No one knows and Regulus felt touched that he was the only one she told.
"She's friends with your boyfriend James Potter. He's here isn't he? Did your mother say to ignore them? My mother did quite stupid if you ask me." Regulus nodded looking over to the Potter table. The family was all alone but seemed to enjoy their own company well enough. James looked back sweeping the room with his eyes until he found Regulus. They locked eyes and James winked and unconsciously licked his lips. It made Regulus turn red ,and his hand shot up to the hickey on his neck that the turtleneck he was wearing was covering. James still staring at him with the dopiest grin on his face, and started walking over. It's safe to say Regulus was panicking because no he wasn't supposed to be talking to him. Regulus tore his gaze away from James and stared at the table he sat at. He felt James looming over him and the table fell silent.
"What are you doing here Potter!" Bellatrix hissed. James payed no mind to her though as he tapped on Regulus' shoulder trying to get him to look at him.

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