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Regulus woke up but this morning felt strange to him. He checked his phone and had the usual missed calls from Bellatrix that he ignored. He quickly got in clothes for the day and headed towards the door.
"What the fuck" he tried tugging at the door, but it wouldn't open. The door was locked and he was panicking. He hadn't been locked in his room since he was 15. The anxiety settled in as he sat by the door curled in on himself. The days when his doors were locked are never good. His mother often forgot he was even there so he'd go days without food. Just as the tears that formed around his eyes threatened to fall the door opened abruptly.

"Master Regulus?" A quiet voice came through the crack in the door. Regulus sat up his wiping away and trace of tears.
"What" his neutral expression back on his face as he looked up.
"Your mother is coming up soon but she said that you're locked here because you've been misbehaving." Jack stood there a scared look on his face.
"Master Regulus! You know you're not supposed to curse!"
"Does it look like I give a shit. Let me out"  his piercing grey eyes turned stoney as he stared at Jack.
"I can't do that I'm sorry" he quickly shut the door before Regulus could get to it. His nails dug into his palms as he stood there. Sighing in defeat he sat on his bed to wait till his mother came up.

He had to leave soon. Orion and Sirius would be waiting for him. He had to get Holden out of here no matter what. He was about to call Sirius when his door slammed open.
"Regulus" his mother stood at the entrance her whole demeanor scared Regulus. He quickly rose off of the bed. "I've noticed something boy" her sneer was piercing. He was sure that the thing she noticed wasn't good. "You've been going out far too much" she started approaching him, and Regulus tensed. Her hand went to his hair and pulled his face up. Regulus willed himself not to cry. He couldn't show fear in front of her it's what she wanted. Regulus was forced to meet her eyes. The eyes that made you instilled fear in you. "I think you've been acting a little bit like your brother. You know that's not acceptable right Regulus?" Her grip on his hair didn't loosen only got tighter at the question, and it was getting harder to not let the tears show. "Answer me boy"
"Yes ma'am" his voice low as his eyes glossed over. Her satisfied smile did nothing to console him. She simply let go of his hair and struck him across the face.
"Good I don't want another nuisance of a son." His hand flew to his face in and he bit his lip so he wouldn't make a sound. "I'm sending in Melody to get you dressed. I think it's time to set you up with someone suitable."
"But mother I already have a girlfriend!" He didn't want to be set up with someone his mother chose. Her glare shut up any further complaining.
"She proved to be unsuitable for the noble house of black" without another word she left the room. Of course, this would happen. Everything was going to shit in Regulus' life. All he wanted to do was free his brother, and be with James. Of course, his wicked mother would come between that. Once the door shut he let the tears fall down. He dry swallowed one of his mother's pills before Melody stepped into his room.
"Oh Regulus" she closed the door behind her before she pulled him into a hug. He was uncomfortable for a bit but she didn't let up. She pet his hair whispering affirmations that were muffled from his hair as he sobbed. "I'm sorry she's making you do this." Regulus shook his head. Why should she be sorry she wasn't the one forcing him to date some snobby rich girl. "You deserve so much more than this." He pushed her away as he stood up.
"It's no use being sad over it now. Once mother has an idea in her head it's useless trying to talk her out of it. There's no going back now." Melody looked torn but she nodded and headed towards his wardrobe.
"Melody?" She hummed in response as she rummaged through his clothes. "Do you know the girl mother has chosen?" Melody turned and sighed a sad look on her face.
"I overheard Miss Black say a few things about it. I'm not completely sure who it is but she plenty rich, and at least she isn't one of your cousins." She smiled and hoped she'd get a reaction from her joke. All she got was a weak chuckle but Regulus' eyes were set on his phone. "Maybe call this boy of yours or your brother? I promise I won't eavesdrop." She smiled and made an x over her heart as she said it. He gave her a great full smile and dialed Sirius' number.
"Sirius oh my god I'm in trouble"
"What?! How much? What's going on? Does it have to do with Holden? Is it mother? She's a bitch! Well, you know that."
"Sirius calm down! Mother is just suspicious of me is all. Also, she's setting me up with some rich girl which is really upsetting, but besides the point. I've got a plan for Holden. Put dad on the phone."
"Ok ok, I'm glad you're ok Regulus. I really am. And yes ok give me a second"
Regulus nodded although Sirius couldn't see him. He heard Sirius calling out to his dad and a voice that sounded like Remus asking if he was ok. Regulus purposely ignored the Remus bit confident that Sirius would tell him all about it when he was ready.
"Hello? Regulus?"
"Dad! Ok, listen I've got a plan on how to help Holden!"
"Sirius didn't tell you! Of course, he didn't he's an idiot. Holden is your son that mother is hiding in our basement!"
"Walburga told me she gave that baby up for adoption."
"Well, she didn't probably didn't want it coming out that she had a less than perfect child."
"Right Holden, is that what you said his name was?"
"Yes, that's his name. boyfriend named him." He waited for the yelling for anything but all he heard was chuckling from the other end.
"Yes, I'm aware of your boyfriend. The Potter's boy correct? Sirius wouldn't stop talking about James' "betrayal'. Quite dramatic your brother. Ok, tell me the plan." Regulus' head hurt he just came out to his father who used to be married and shared the same ideals as his mother.
"You're ok with that?"
"With what son?"
"With me? Having a boyfriend." There were tears again. Regulus was really having an emotional day.
"Well of course I am. Thank your brother he's the one who got me to see that it's okay. It was a whole thing, but I'm ok with it now. I love you boys for who you are. My disapproving wouldn't stop anything either so"
"...oh? Okay um right the plan."

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